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Posts posted by McLovin

  1. R1's are the shit! I wanted a more comfortable fast sport bike though. I wish I was 5'8" 160lbs sometimes so I can rock bikes like that! :)

    Yeahhhh 600cc and 1000cc supersport bikes aren't really the most comfortable, so it's understandable. I would've liked for you to get a Yamaha something lol because I'm Yamaha bias...but sometimes you just have to go for comfort.

  2. This is America, not Europe! If the American government gave a sh*t about the roads, they would've built them right in the first place. Good Luck getting them to care...I mean I'm glad you are doing this, but I have little faith.

  3. I was in Clemson, SC two weekends ago and I kept hearing motorcycles ride by....I was getting so mad knowing I was going to come back to Ohio and there would be NO riding for me, only snow.....made me sick to my stomach :puke:, I'm sooooo jealous! :bigfinger:(To: All areas with decent riding weather)

  4. I was out...picked up the bike from my friend's, we rode back to campus so I could go to class, I ran some errands, then we met back up and rode out to some friends to watch that sad excuse for a national championship game, and then we rode the bikes back to his living room since his garage just isn't good enough. Stupid Ohio!

  5. Haha well I couldn't take both of them...not only was Kristen blockin at bike night, she threw your free passes away wtf Kristen. If I ever open up a small business...I'm coming to you first.

    they wanted to go for a ride!!! stupid kristen threw away the free passes that they gave me...

    Let me know if you need anymore office furniture

  6. :lol: Maybe if I would've had the oral B brush ups at bike night I would have two stripper friends. As far as the office chair, thanks...could you imagine the tricks strippers could do on a rotating chair that goes up and down :banana:.

    Shit I already gave you an office chair and some free samples of oral B brush ups. They will come in handy when the strippers are roaming bike night
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