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Posts posted by wolfman

  1. I'm a 'used car' guy. I don't purchase new. I just really hate the thought that as soon as I sign that loan I just lost 30% of my investment. Not wise' date=' IMO. I have zero issues with driving a 1996 Subaru station wagon that has 160,000 miles on it. I'll drive that car until the repair costs outweigh reasoning and then I'll pick up another 'beater' to run the wheels off of. I guess having everything the Jones have isn't an issue at my house. Not saying it didn't used to be. My conservative approach to finances didn't arrive easily.[/quote']

    I just bought a VW Jetta a few months ago and the amount I owe is a little closer to the actual value than I would like. I had to pay a premium to get the diesel Jetta but I know I'm going to keep it for along time (only 80k miles should be good for 300k+) so I'm okay with what I owe on it.

  2. Leasing has it's upside. If I am the type of person that is comfortable with a constant car payment and like to switch up every couple years then leasing is probably my best option. (I am not that person' date=' btw.) I don't understand the people that take out a loan on a vehicle, pay it off and then trade it in. I know a few people that do that and it boggles my mind.


    I switch cars like its underwear...seriously. I buy used though (new used...not 1985 used) and don't make stupid buys. When I bought my first car I put $1500 down and three cars later I haven't had to put any more money down (even after one was totaled). Sure, I've lost money in taxes and monthly payments are a little higher than a lease...but I don't have fees, or mileage limits, and I can sell it whenever I want.

  3. Then they should drive a $3000 car and not a $30' date='000 car.[/quote']

    IDK if I would go that extreme. There is nothing wrong with financing a car if you put some cash down...the key is to make sure the amount you owe is always going to be less than what the vehicle is worth. This way if you can't afford the payments you can sell it and walk away debt free.

  4. Again' date=' inability to be responsible for one's self. Also, there are a lot of people rolling in $40,000 Acuras that ought to be driving $20,000 Chevrolets. 7 year car loans are ridiculous. The first 3-4 years are all interest. That, combined with zero down purchases, is why everyone is 'upsidedown' in their 'investment.'[/quote']

    Agreed. I'm not defending it...just giving an example of how people get in over their heads. It's really easy to do with all the fees associated with leasing a car (don't lease!!!). Good point on the zero down...not a good idea. :wtf: 7 yr car loans? I didn't even know they existed. My last 2 car loans have been 5.5 yrs which I think is too long.

  5. You might get enough of a discount that it would pay for the course. You'll have to check with your carrier first. I have Allstate and I got like $6 off a year. I've heard better numbers from other insurers. But that was for the beginner course.

    :( I have Allstate, too. I have not insured a motorcycle with them yet. I'm very interested to see what their rates are...I might be switching back to State Farm.

  6. I got 2 yesterday.I like to use my HMR .17 ,It will split a yotes wig at a couple hundred yards. Very fun gun and it doesn't scare them away!!

    I'm thinking about buying a Savage .17hmr for my dad. Most of our groundhog shots are at 75-150yds. What rifle is your .17?

  7. .308

    That outta do it... ;)

    My rifle selection is lacking here:o...my choices are either Ruger 10-.22 (:lol:), .22 mag, 8mm Mauser, or my 1-shot-wonder Mosin. :lol: I could potentially borrow my brother-in-laws .308 or my friend's .22-250. Damn it, I just need to buy a good rifle...:cool:

  8. Cards are getting fucked on the calls. That roughing the passer was BS along with the two calls that were reversed with challenges. :nono: Pittsburgh has been holding all night but the refs are only calling it on the Cardinals...

  9. I'd say Bridgestone Mars rover, who wouldn't want to go 4wheelin on another planet. :badgerrock:

    Scratch that Careerbuilder.com... Punching small animals. LOL

    That Careerbuilder one made me want to gouge my eyeballs out with a rusty spoon. Where's all the good commercials this year? Must be the economy...

  10. damn I'm old... I was 9 in 82 and 16 in 89 I remember the games. I watched them with my dad... I graduated from amelia in 92, I liked the bengals but to tell the truth I am a lions fan... I know I know.... WHY the Hell am I a lions fan right??? truth is I lived in detroit the first 13 years of life... so i have always been a fan of the lions, red wings, pistons and tigers... and outta all of them the only detroit team to NEVER win a major championship is the lions.... but they have never been this bad.... So I understand backing the home team... but not to the extreme of slamming somone else for backing their team...

    :wheelchair: You should trade that Suzuki in on a Goldwing or a trike, old man! :grin:

  11. lol actually im done... but since you do not have a gawd danmed thing to say to me that has any substance, I will continue stringing along the shitty cliche's and hope you take the baiit even more........ :D

    Ssssh...you aren't supposed to tell him that we are baiting him! He's taking it like a champ! :D

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