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Everything posted by wolfman

  1. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. Happy belated bday to you too Kev! Maybe you can get in on this group sex thing that seems to be going down?
  3. :lol: There is a small chance that when our sun turns into a red giant its gravitational pull will be reduced enough to keep the earth from being consumed....I mean its still going to be a barren rock of a planet. Oh, but this has nothing to do with god...it's how stars work. Our sun is powered by hydrogen undergoing nuclear fusion and turning into helium. Once the core temperature of the sun reaches around 100 million kelvin the helium will begin to undergo fusion...this is when the sun begins to turn into a red giant. So....that's physics....not god. Edit: And I didn't even address the moon turning into blood because that's just comical.
  4. Yeah, it would be close.... I'm the same weight and height and I had a 38 in Alpinestars. It was a little bit tight to fit a chest protector under so a 40 might work well. I think I really need like a 39...haha.
  5. Snowmobile = sport bike on snow 150 hp of 2-stroke fun :grin:
  6. True story!...sort of. The sun will steadily grow larger until it becomes a red giant (most likely swallowing the earth). It won't actually implode/explode but instead it will expel its outer layers until a small, extremely dense core remains (white dwarf). In the meantime, the temperature of the sun will steadily increase and in about a billion years there will be no liquid water on the surface of the earth... Once that happens all life will die...of course this is assuming our core hasn't already cooled to a point where the earth's protective magnetic field is gone. Once that happens the solar winds (radiation) from the sun will carry away all our water and atmosphere. Most likely we won't have to worry about the sun dying in 5 billion years, because we will have already been killed when our water and atmosphere boil off, or killed by an asteroid...or the most likely scenario to me, killed by our own stupidity.
  7. Count me in for this...sounds like a good time.
  8. It's only gay if you push back.
  9. Happy birthday! Did you wear your birthday suit all day?
  10. Open bar?!? I would have braved the bad weather if I had known there was going to be an open bar. Damn.
  11. Love that place...I used to play there quite often.
  12. wolfman

    New Bike

    Nice list! You forgot one mod though:
  13. Scottsdale is awesome... I was out there in 2006 to watch the Buckeyes get destroyed. Me and Aaron didn't end up going out...I didn't feel like driving into Columbus with the crappy weather.

  14. wolfman

    New Bike

    +1 You should probably just give it to me.
  15. Haha, funny one. I only get spray tanned on my ass..the rest is natural.
  16. He said he got a $1000 back from the seller but I'd still be pissed.
  17. Bummer. Maybe you can just get spray tanned over it.
  18. Are tattoos like painting where you can't easily do a lighter color over top?
  19. Wear your snow boots! Shit storm is on its way!
  20. Thanks for digging this up....sweet mod. If I ever actually have a place with a garage this would be sweet!
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