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Everything posted by wolfman

  1. Cool stuff! How comfortable are they to ride?
  2. I need a FZR frame for cheap! I've got my eye on one on ebay right now but I thought I'd throw this out there in case someone local had one lying around... I don't need a title as long as you promise its not stolen! Also, I think the FZR400 used the same frame, too...
  3. It looks A LOT better in race trim. But, I'm still not a big fan of that front nose though...it's so long....
  4. Sweet! It's always such a pain in the ass trying to work the gas and clutch while holding my cell phone. Let me know how this works!
  5. That is some seriously funny shit! Nice post!
  6. It's only the view from the back that matters...
  7. Agreed, it needs something to break up the fairing a little bit..
  8. drool... I'm starting to like it more...can't wait to see it in person!
  9. That'd be a good time..long trip on sport bike. I'm planning on doing something similar...Michigan Cross Country Cycle Trail. It's mostly single track woods riding with some roads thrown in the mix too and it's about an 800 mile (5-6 day) trip. Need to get another bike for the dirt first though. http://www.advrider.com/forums/showthread.php?t=138402
  10. Could be I saw that show the first and only time it aired and it was pretty interesting. It made a very compelling argument.
  11. Hummers are a pain in the ass in any type of tight, woodsy trail. I would much rather have a well equipped Fj or Jeep over an H1. Good luck with the importing, I know nothing about how that works. But coming from somebody who has had a few jeeps (2 TJs including a rubicon, and a built Cj)...those Cruisers are badass and I would love to have one.
  12. :fruit:But here's one more to keep it going.. :D
  13. Shit, now we have new people joining just to post on this thread... This thread needs to die:beathorse:
  14. wolfman


    Yup, .22 the choice for hitmen...
  15. I have a few Iron Pony shirts and honestly, yeah I like getting their 50 cent shirt for free...but I am cheap. I don't feel like I'm obligated to shop at Iron Pony though, especially now that they are so large and do tons of internet sales..maybe when they were a smaller shop. That being said, I like supporting the locals and will buy from Iron Pony unless the price difference is substantial. Got my 2-piece A* suit, gloves, boots, helmet, etc. from there.
  16. I wouldn't have expected it for free, but personally I would have had a similar reaction if I knew another place would do it for free. Selling motorcycles, parts, and service is all about scratching backs sometimes...give a little to gain a lot. Once Putty was ready to leave the guy should have realized that he was losing a potential future customer (for more expensive parts or bikes) and done it for free...IMO When a place does something small like that for free, I remember and will happily be a return customer or send others there.
  17. I'll have to check with the roommates to see what's going on. Earlier in the week they said they didn't want to have a big party...
  18. I'm planning the same...also rearsets, tires and a few other things. Unless, I get a better job...then I will be upgrading to a newer bike...
  19. How long have you had your motorcycle endorsement? I think the novice only stays on your license for a year...after that you could get a new license without the 'MC Novice' designation. Edit: Either way, you need to fight it and maybe you can get off the speeding ticket, too. You can claim that if they are so incompetent they don't know the laws then they can't be trusted to work a radar detector either.
  20. Yeah, that's bullshit. They are wrong...you are right. They are definitely confusing Novice and temporary permit...pretty sad when 4 of our finest don't know what the law is... Hell, my license says Novice, too! I'm not going to get a new license until this one expires though...
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