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Everything posted by wolfman

  1. !! Hope you are all healthy now!
  2. I think there are a few people on here with real jobs.
  3. You had a man crush on him didn't you? Yeah, WTF Angrish! Get some damn internet out on the farm and get back on OR already!
  4. I think the word you are looking for is 'emo' :wink:
  5. Damn, I hope I can make it...I have some baller shoes to wear.
  6. I saw Mr. Bret on here a few days ago...I wish he would post more though.
  7. Sounds like a good time! :grin: I would like to come but I might be out of town both weekends.
  8. :thumbsup: That was the point I was trying to make. You don't buy beer for alcohol content...or wine really for that matter. And yes, straight shots of Galens 151 is the most economical way to get drunk...I think
  9. :lol: Man, I accidentally drank some bad milk one time. I could smell it as it was heading towards my mouth and then feel it slide down my throat..
  10. Sounds good to me! Let me know when you guys get it nailed down!
  11. Wow! Sounds like a waste of money. If you want something with higher alcohol content just buy wine or liquor. Tastes better, too.
  12. :lol: New sig. What'cha talkin bout, willis?
  13. It's also amazing how many boneheaded moves I've made from the seat of my bike... they seem to be dwindling as I get older though.
  14. For some reason I just can't see Jarvis hitting a car with a sledge hammer...but maybe I just don't know you well enough, Jarv
  15. I haven't had anything that crazy happen to me. I avoid a lot of bad situations with a generous use of the throttle....I find it safest to keep a pace faster than the rest of traffic.
  16. Holy hell, you guys are nuts! I hope I never piss off any of your friends!
  17. Or maybe they haven't and the quota has been met for the next several years.. This might be the safest time to fly.
  18. I'm very sorry to hear that. RIP to Mary and all the other victims.
  19. Agreed.. I barely get on 600rr.net any more. I still troll the WERA boards a bit.
  20. yup. works now. I didn't know there was a zx-10r.net...learn something new every day.
  21. Didn't load for me. ..
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