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Everything posted by wolfman

  1. That's why I let mine get stolen! Too many 600rr's out there!...
  2. Can you carry some spare tires, too? Sounds good! I love riding naked!
  3. Aaron will post if up on there for you....won't you, Aaron?
  4. And if you guys need a conditions report before the actual ride:
  5. I also forgot to add that if you are relying on a sweep rider to make sure everyone is making it safely, this rider should know the route and be experienced enough not to push themselves to keep up (not a good place for the unexperienced to be riding). I thought that was assumed..
  6. Safe group rides: -Ride the "PACE" (if you don't know what this is look it up) -Leader waits at intersections/turn-offs for everybody to catch up -If group is larger with varied skill levels and bikes, split into smaller groups with leaders of smaller groups waiting/keeping track of riders in their group -Make sure there are at least a few cell phones and phone numbers exchanged -Very large group rides (i.e. Hocking 2008) need to have maps and designated meeting places -Don't follow too closely/ride like a jackass -Make sure bike is mechanically sound -Make sure rider is physically sound -.... Lots of other stuff but these are the first few that came to mind.
  7. There is nothing wrong with large group rides so long as there is sufficient maps, meeting place info, etc...like we did last year for Hocking. This lets people ride their own pace, forming small groups without feeling pressured to "keep up." In my opinion, people that have a negative view on group rides are usually the ones who have either done a poor job planning a ride or crashed during poorly planned rides. +1
  8. Let me know when you guys plan to ride 555 and I will try to do a run the weekend or days before and give a report.
  9. That's what size my last suit was. I probably need to go up a size or two to fit a back protector...we are GP-sized.
  10. That'd be like a midget in a diving suit..
  11. You shouldn't acknowledge such nonsense. This is a motorcycle forum so scrawny is normal size.
  12. I think I remember the thread...he lost it in a field.
  13. I think 42US/52Euro would probably be too big for you. I'm 5'11" and 140-145 and my SG-1 was in size 38US/48Euro. The length of the suit is not as important as chest size, waist size, etc. Boots and full gauntlet gloves will make up for shorter sleeves and legs.
  14. :lol: That's nasty. She even has a happy trail....err, tattoo.
  15. wolfman


    Leather is the way to go if you can afford it. You should really get everything: boots, helmet, gloves, jacket, and pants...get textile if you have to so you can afford boots, too. Also, make sure to check out the clearance stuff at Iron Pony!!
  16. Sounds good man! Enjoy the FL weather and east coast livin'!
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