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Everything posted by psyco1

  1. http://dayton.craigslist.org/eld/3140629872.html Pioneer SX-1250 circa 1976-77 160 W/Ch RMS@8ohms. It's a serious monster receiver and a steal at $200, these can go for 4x that on ebay in new condition. It's still a bargain even if you have to clean out the pots and switches with contact cleaner (dirty ones sound "scratchy"), replace burnt lights and eventually replace the electrolytic capacitors. As long as both channels play ok I'd jump on it right now if I had the extra cash. http://vintageelectronics.betamaxcollectors.com/pioneerstereoreceivermodelsx-1250.html http://www.vintage-audio.com.ua/en/cat/88/200.html?begin=11 http://www.hifi-manuals.com/Pioneer/page-86 http://columbus.craigslist.org/ele/3140059485.html One from the early 80's, Pioneer SA- 950 70W/Ch Integrated amp, TX-950 Tuner, and SG- 550 EQ. Not too bad for $100
  2. Went with a Galaxy Nexus over the iphone, HTC OneX and Samsung Galaxy S3, because of the screen size and ICS with no manufacturer overlay getting between you and the OS, like Touchwhiz or Sense. That means I'll be getting updates as they come out, not when HTC or Samsung or whoever decides to get their overlay to play nice with the update, or if they decide to do that at all and just not release the update as has been done so many times before. On top of that, the overlay takes more processing power to do the same thing as a phone without, so you lose spec value too. Hell, the last Nexus has had ICS for 6 months and it's 2 years old. Most phones by other makers one year old don't have it yet and if they don't by now, they probably won't unless you root & rom. To me, if you have to go through that trouble to get an updated phone, it's a broken product.
  3. If you want a job, anything in the skilled trades is golden. With all the kids going into college and the boomers with skilled training starting to retire, there's a deficit in anything infrastructure.
  4. Plus there's the fact that not all oil is the same, the heavy crude they're getting from the tar sands in the Dakotas and Canada doesn't make as much gasoline per barrel as the light sweet crude from a well in Saudi.
  5. Was that you guys with the yellow SV?
  6. Before you know it, your mom will be doing this. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yxBgVdkxxEQ
  7. Was it a mobile Gyno chair?
  8. Craybill's burger shop in Urbana, it's like a mom & pop roadside from the 20's, then the Depot coffee shop right by it afterward. http://maps.google.com/maps?saddr=Miami+St%2FState+Route+29+W&daddr=Miami+St%2FState+Route+29+W&hl=en&sll=40.108763,-83.761632&sspn=0.002154,0.005252&geocode=FTICZAIdouwB-w%3BFc0CZAIdxOIB-w&t=h&mra=me&mrsp=0&sz=18&z=18
  9. For some good roads on the way up, Piqua-Lockington/Miami Conservancy/Fair Rd from Piqua to Sidney. 47 north to Port Jefferson then here(I hope these links work): http://maps.google.com/maps?saddr=Water&daddr=Johnston-Slagle+Rd+to:Pence+Rd+to:Herring+Rd%2FLefevre+Number+2+Rd+to:Herring+Rd%2FLefevre+Number+2+Rd&hl=en&ll=40.336731,-84.075451&spn=0.034348,0.084028&sll=40.336764,-84.075515&sspn=0.008587,0.021007&geocode=FXlmZwIdTuz8-g%3BFWZjZwIdhPT8-g%3BFXljZwIdgRX9-g%3BFVZ8ZwId7qr9-g%3BFfB8ZwIdHwf9-g&t=h&mra=mi&mrsp=4&sz=16&z=14 Then back to 47, then 65 to Jackson Center to 274 east, mostly straight shit. That will take you to County Rd 54. http://maps.google.com/maps?saddr=Co+Rd+54&daddr=Co+Rd+54&hl=en&sll=40.473069,-83.936062&sspn=0.034278,0.084028&geocode=FeYNaQIdGC__-g%3BFYShaQIddtv--g&t=h&mra=me&mrsp=1,0&sz=14&z=14 For fun you could take it all the way through Santa Fe and back to 65 for the big S curve north of Jackson Center. I might see you there, haven't had one of those giant burgers in a year or two.
  10. psyco1

    "Nice bike"

    It's a dual sport, you can ride it on the street too. No, Harley doesn't make it. The scratches come from it wanting to take a nap one day.
  11. QFT x1000 All the whiners are crying "I don't like it, so you can't have it."
  12. Nope, won't fit on the bike.
  13. Bow fishing that thing like carp sounds fun.
  14. Looks kind of like mammatus clouds.
  15. ..in the Lincoln Tunnel past Colbert. http://www.colbertnation.com/the-colbert-report-videos/411884/april-05-2012/dirt-bike-badass-in-the-lincoln-tunnel
  16. Did it sound like this? http://bubbrubboftime.ytmnd.com/
  17. They ought to hand his mass murdering ass over to the Afghan authorities.
  18. It's like a redneck Delta Force. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pTPjWrDmsZ0
  19. The mobility of a scooter with none of the versatility.
  20. Korans, bibles..ehh..burn all the superstition.
  21. I guess you'll love this. http://abcnews.go.com/Health/HeartHealth/blair-river-hefty-heart-attack-grill-spokesman-dies/story?id=13056400#.Tz2X1VEnKAg
  22. The reason to not watch Will Ferrell isn't political, it's because he's not fucking funny. At all.
  23. Chopper makers should not build sportbikes.
  24. All the maint guys at work have these to wheel around the shop and love them.
  25. I'd vote for either one of them before anyone running for the GOP.
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