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Everything posted by Todd#43
Lotta balls for a guy like you to call me an asshat, but really its about what I expected. Seriously, I've got a feeling MJ sucks more than one dude on here. I'm back, fucker - miss me? Then have the balls to bounce me for good. Oh wait, we know the answer to that. Is that you, Or the new cock you're sucking?
I just did... Why dont you go check? See if you can find it.
OOOoohhhh....you did your "job"? Another self-important cunt tries makes herself feel "important". I love this place - why would I leave?
Kinda like all those wanna be sportbike riders that have never been to a track but thinks he can "ride"?
Didn't realize I needed your permission to express my opinion. Why don't you "get the fuck out" or click the ignore button. I have in the past, but don't right now. Why does that make a difference?
Yeah, go figure. Did you promise Abby "forever" or are you only there for the pussssay?
Goddamn I really hope that someday I'm as perfect as you. Of course, we all know you and MJ have that thing going. How's your house frau feel about that?
Well, at least we know who moved it. Not surprised. Why dont you go have a couple of kids and boss them around instead of fucking with people here?
No, it doesnt need to go back that far. Although obviously his parents didnt beat him when he needed it. He made the choice to ride like an asshole that day. When he made that choice he should have known there were consequences. Fortunately for him his consequence was a load of shit in his pants, and not a chain reaction pileup on the freeway.
Says the guy that keeps posting goat pictures. Got anything with a cow or a horsie? Obviously, Casper doesn't hand out the bans like he ought to. Kinda funny how I can get an infraction for bitching about posts being "moved" but I don't get banned for calling a moderator/admin a cunt.
Talk about dense. You seem to be the epitome of stupid lately. I'm going to type real fucking slow so you can pick up what I am saying here... I never said that the squid caused the cop to act the way he did. Cop did that all on his own. You might reread my first post in this thread. All I said was that the entire event would not have happened if the squid wasn't riding like an idiot. Lets not wake Casper up - he's busy searching for llama, goat and sheep photos to post in another thread. Well that and being a total douche bag.
Getting weaker, pussy. Maybe a quick call to Captain Awesome will improve your game a bit. Nah....probably not. You don't have any balls anyway. Wow...talk about a broken record. Really, you're not that important. Get over yourself.
Then what did you say? You said the "chick was dressed slutty". What did you mean by that? Lets see if I have the series of events correct: Sportbike rider is riding like a complete ass. (127 MPH by his own admission, weaving in and out of traffic, wheelies as seen on the video) Sportbike rider passes cop in median Sportbike rider gets pulled over by unmarked car (most likely notified by cop in median) who exits the vehicle with weapon drawn. Is there any doubt to the events? How could the whole thing been avoided? If the rider went the speed limit (or close to it) kept his front wheel down and not cut in and out of traffic #3 would not have happened. Certainly the rider is not responsible for the cop's actions, but he did set the events into motion that led to the cop getting out of the car, didn't he?
What's it to you? Don't you have a cock to suck?
Really? You're going to make an attempt at comparing rape with a dude acting like an asshole on a bike? That is fucked up.
Sam/Fonz, Fonz/Sam its really hard to tell where one of you stops and the other starts.
No, I'm not saying that what the cop did was right. I'm saying that if the rider wasn't acting stupid NONE of it would have happened. Don't want to end up in shitty situations? Don't act like an idiot.
in addition to the wheelies, he was tripling the speed limit, making improper lane changes, and who knows what else precipitated the blast down the freeway. What was the situation PRIOR to the unmarked car pulling him over (he hardly "cut him off" - they were practically stopped when he ducked in front of him)? What did the marked car call in over the radio? Did the rider match the description of a felony suspect? I don't think he "continued to back up". I think he had problems holding the bike in one spot. If he was REALLY concerned that the "guy with the gun" intended to do him harm, he'd have dropped the bike getting out of the way.
Nice photos. Did Captain Awesome hijack your account?
What would I have done in the situation? Hard to say. I do know that I wouldn't have placed myself in the position that the rider placed himself in. If I could get inside the rider's head, I'd probably find that he knew exactly what was going on the moment the unmarked cat got out of the car and was at least somewhat aware of the marked car coming up behind him. Was the cop over the top? Probably. However, none of it would have happened had he been riding responsibly. Actions have consequences. You shitheads here seem miss that most of the time.
that doesn't follow your "shades of gray" argument. You're really a bigger asshole than I originally thought.
These threads crack me the fuck up. The guy on the bike is NEVER wrong. Its ALWAYS the other guys fault.
Hey.... What happened to your signature pic?
I know the difference. Point was you don't give a shit...sheep, goat, fonzie, whatever, I heard you do it. Nope, not trying to offend. You can't offend someone with no morals. If it feels good, do it, right? I'm happy you think you made more money this spring fucking sheep than I do all year doing what I do. Although, since you have no idea how much I made you'll have a hard time proving it.