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Everything posted by Todd#43
Interesting. Do I get another guess at who sent the second one? WTF are you trying to say there? Ask anyone that really knows me - I'm really the same in person as I am on here. Well that takes all the fun out of it.
I dont see my comments as bitching, but rather "constructive criticism" I've mentioned more than once the following: Too many moderators is not a good idea Over-modertating threads, deleting (moving) posts is not a good idea Again, if the comments in that thread were inappropriate, they were inappropriate when the comment was made, regardless of what ultimately happened. Personally, the comments made by others about the comments contributing to his death were WAY more offensive than anything I said. I wasn't "upset" about the the thread being cleaned, but I let my opinion be known - so what? Isn't that what a forum is for? You fuckers made it into something else entirely. By the way, I'm well over 45 years old. My nutsack is already hanging down to my ankles without anyone swinging from it.
The first one, or the second one?
That's the way it went across the street. Once I was no longer a Sponsor' date=' things got a little hinky. Maybe its the same way here. Ahhh, you're being modest. You're way more offensive than I am. Well, most of the time anyway. No one said shit about my posts in that thread while he was still with us, but now that he's gone my posts were way out of line. Personally, I don't get it. Chalk it up to the pack mentality. He's still fun - he just runs with a different crowd now. You know, he got those e-muscles now.
Yup, still here - even though your bitch "told" me to hit the door. Because I have complained about the shortcomings of the board or offered my opinion doesn't mean I'm going to leave. So, because I don't agree with you all I do is "bitch and complain"? Its obvious that anyone with an opposing view is a piece of shit in your eyes. If you (or anyone else for that matter) really don't like what I have to say, or its a problem for you, why dont you click the "ignore" button, or just pass over my posts? I know, you're like a rubbernecker at a traffic accident - you can help but look. I'm here because I have shit to say. No one here has to put up with my "toxic ass" if they dont want to. Don't you have another "infraction", complete with a snarky comment to send to someone?
I appreciate your support, but no thanks. The "friendly cracker" my ass. Never thought I'd agree with that guy, but there ya have it.
Actually, that was the second one I got today. Did you suck somebody's cock to get them to send that one?
It's pretty obvious now which "moderator" sent this: Dear Todd#43, You have received an infraction at Ohio Riders. Reason: ------- Annoying the mods/admins Psst ... Here you go. ------- This infraction is worth 1 point(s) and may result in restricted access until it expires. Serious infractions will never expire. Please do not reply to this message, as this private message box is not reviewed. Instead, if you feel this was in error, please contact us via this link. All the best, Ohio Riders And you appear to be in BOTH groups - lucky you. Based on my post count and "activity" meter, I'd hardly say I'm an "active" member. With that said, keep in mind that part of being able to run an effective board is giving those that you disagree with the opportunity to speak their mind as well as those that you DO agree with. Lately around here, things seem to be "say something against me or my "friends" and your shit will be moved/deleted/whatever. My opinion is that's what ruins a public forum. Yup - banned. Why? Because I didnt march in lock step with the members of the collective. Its starting to become the same way here. There are those here with "moderator" status who want their asses kissed, and if you don't they'll do what they can to silence the dissent. Fuck it. Its really not worth it.
Wow... Who knew that infractions come via PM complete with snarky comments? Dear Todd#43, You have received an infraction at Ohio Riders. Reason: ------- Annoying the mods/admins Psst ... Here you go. ------- This infraction is worth 1 point(s) and may result in restricted access until it expires. Serious infractions will never expire. Please do not reply to this message, as this private message box is not reviewed. Instead, if you feel this was in error, please contact us via this link. All the best, Ohio Riders Yeah....about what I'd expect from a few people around here.
Coming from the guy that's proud to be "tattooed white trash" I'm not so surprised you'd come up with a response like this. Can you tell me one more time that nobody here will miss me? Please?
There is no way you can blame others for a decision that ultimately rested solely on his shoulders. No one here hastened the outcome any more than anyone could have prevented it. Some people attempt it for the attention it brings. Others do it because they literally can't take it. Seems this guy was the latter. I've been here before. I've lost friends and relatives at their own hand. Its never pretty, but to blame it on others is ludicrous. Spare me the "I used to kind of like you" shit. Whether you did or didn't is of zero consequence to me. Do you think its news to me that I'm "mean spirited"? Give me a break and take you bleeding heart liberal ass to the next thread. Its crystal clear now that this board is just like all the others. Someone with "moderator" under his screen name gets his feelings hurt and feels the need to flex his or her "muscles" to "right" a perceived slight. Of course, if the person who happens to be on the "receiving end" of the e-beating isn't one of your "crowd" then the piling on is ignored. Call it "shades of grey" if you want, but in reality its a double standard. Its NO different. This "shades of grey" is the root of most of society's problems. In the real world things are black or white, right or wrong. To say someone did something "wrong" and then excuse it because of his or her "circumstances" is bullshit. If beating up on the departed (before he left) was wrong in your eyes then it should be wrong to beat up on anyone - regardless of how YOU feel about that person. I'm amazed at your inability to see a situation for what its worth. The thread wasn't a "sympathy" thread when the shit hit the fan. The guy was asking how he was supposed to party like a rockstar on $240 a month. Questions were asked and questions were answered. If you didn't like the answers you could have said something then instead of jumping on the whiny cunt bandwagon now. I can honestly say that this board used to be a lot fun. It isn't any more. You may as well merge it with that localriders.com board. Too many moderators spoil the board.
And how does my bitching affect you? Yup
Sure it is. Why don't you start a new poll with the following categories? IT Everything Else Then see who is "winning".
So I can take this to mean that every time you don't agree with someone's assessment of another you'll remove the "offensive" posts for the sake of the friends and family that may come looking for what their loved one is doing? I mean, its your sandbox and you can certainly do what you want here but I want to make sure I have the ground rules clear in my mind before I go any further.
Hmmmm...nice to see that this thread was "sanitized" More "overmoderating" by the collective here. In all honesty, if dude was going to do what he did this thread had about as much to do with it as spoons had to do with making Rosie O'donnell fat. Check please...
But it's perfectly acceptable to bash the driver of the car - even BEFORE it's been proven he's at fault?
How about everyone watch out for the asshole squids? Squid (all be it an older one) was SPEEDING, not wearing a helmet and who knows what else. Maybe due to the speed, the driver of the car didn't see the idiot? Face facts, ladies. The motorcyclist isn't always the victim, and the driver of the car isn't always at fault. Quit trying to make it that way.
Apparently, this dumb bitch didn't get it at a yard sale either http://msn.foxsports.com/nba/story/Ohio-woman-a-suspect-in-stolen-LeBron-pendant-case-071610
Welcome to yesterday.
The liberal Democrat controlled congress spent the money to get us where we are today. The current agenda (Obama's) is to continue to spend. Explain to me how continuing to do the same thing over and over again is going to fix the problem. Hurricane Katrina happened during Bush's presidency. Obviously, he didn't cause the hurricane, but he was held accountable for the cleanup. Every day "what's Bush doing for the people of New Orleans to fix this mess?" We have the oil spill in the Gulf. Since it happened during Obama's presidency it MUST be his fault - especially if we use the kartrina inspired liberal logic of a few years ago. WHAT IS BHO DOING TO FIX THE PROBLEM AND HELP THE PEOPLE? Answer is - NOTHING. Unless you count golfing, vacationing, avoiding the subject, not repealing the Jones Act via executive order, etc. Just as he did in his "campaign" for the presidency (which continues to this day) BHO continues to blame others for issues while "promising" to fix EVERYTHING. Usually this is the point where you post up a cartoon or a link to "support" your OPINION. Today you resort to an ad-hominem attack. Congratulations. Its an opinion - if you'd reread that paragraph he says "I think" at the beginning. You don't need any facts to back an opinion up. Liberals seem to think that anyone making over $250,000 a year is rich and should pay MORE in taxes to help the "less fortunate". We have all seen plenty of those "less fortunate" souls that receive free cell phones (paid for by all of us that pay our bills), cars, cable, internet, etc. The facts are out there if you want to see them. Yet you don't see the hypocrisy in the wealthy liberal mindset? You know, the "I got mine, but you need to give yours to someone else" concept? Again in this instance those with no stake in the situation deride someone else's decision to do something with them money. Perhaps to some the Jesus sculpture is inspirational and may motivate them to do things beyond their apparent abilities. Yet, you feel its a waste of money and hypocritical - yet you have ZERO stake in it. I Again with the attacks. Can't you find a fucking cartoon?
No, not in a year. That was what the Cavs paid him throughout his contract. He made tens of millions more in endorsements - every year.
The "reverend" Jackson thinks Dan Gilbert treated Lebron like a "slave". http://www.foxnews.com/sports/2010/07/12/jesse-jackson-cavs-owner-sees-lebron-runaway-slave/ Did anyone tell the "reverend" that James made over $60,000,000.00 in salary during his time in Cleveland? Idiot.