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Everything posted by schmuckingham

  1. schmuckingham


    Coming from Fire Marshal Bill
  2. schmuckingham


    I love CR <3 BTW, I sat on Alex's bike without his permission at his house with his mom on my lap and his Dad was doing lines of coke with me.
  3. I get what your saying and back you in this endeavor but other people is what scares the living shit out of me. The Liability alone is what steers me away from something like this, I wouldnt my stuff stored there and something happen to it because of anothers actions.
  4. Kinda looks like Farkas' GTI on crack
  5. Yea, I think this a bad idea on many levels.
  6. Saw this thing this weekend, purrs like a kitten
  7. Ill be there for Mustang week hopefully
  8. Ill see if I can wake the wife that early
  9. schmuckingham


    looks like Wagner
  10. Deal fell through, again.
  11. George and Sam Demeter at Demeter construction! They did by driveways and it's flawless and priced right. We had black top that was all settled and patched and just looked horrible, wasn't worth the work to make the blacktop pretty again.
  12. I know this make me look even more like an uber nerd and a loser ( not that I need help). I am going to keep it simple with a breif description of why he/she is my favorite. Deadpool hands down. Guy has had a shit life, made it in the military then contracted cancer while in the Weapon X project with Wolverine. They tried to counter act the cancer by injecting him with Wolverines mutant healing factor and the healing factor thought the cancer was a normal part of his body leaving his skin scarred and mishapen but he heals faster than Wolverine due to the cancer. Has multiple voices in his that he argues with and is just flat out hilarious, especially when he talks to them outloud. Despite his crap life he is one of THE most dangerous characters to ever walk the Marvel Universe. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v226/Schmuckingham/detail.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v226/Schmuckingham/deadpool-11.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v226/Schmuckingham/119133-6000-109330-1-deadpool_super.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v226/Schmuckingham/Deadpool_cover_colored_by_skage.jpg
  13. NO I vote the CCWs which is going on my Fox
  14. Gingers tend to stay away from large bodies of water, we are mistaken for fish food.
  15. Yea, no....... I have never met him so me getting shot at doesnt seem to have the right lulz
  16. Sounds good to me, I am not looking for anything to take up my day, just maybe feed our faces and be friendly in a non gay way
  17. Anything go on Memorial Day? I know there is cars on coffee on Saturday which I will be gone for that and wont being going to Put N' Bay either. ANyone doing anything or maybe a small meet?
  18. I am picking up something that day, Im out but I am down for something on Monday
  19. Wheels dont go through the heat cycle engines do. Its a waste of time
  20. Nothing new in the vid, used to happen to me even on old 315 sitting at a damn light
  21. Intake says " I am OUTTA here bishes!"
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