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Everything posted by schmuckingham

  1. Well they dont post often here either so ABANDON ALL HOPE! I read correctly but commented on what was valid....... which was nothing
  2. well IPS has a flickr account so why dont you stalk them there, yes your better at being a noob than I, if I can read your nonsense correclty...... cant find a " I have something to prove on the internet" translator on google apps.
  3. is it like the noobs have been a placebo for courage today *EDIT* To above post: Then leave, simple as that. If its SO stupid and we have such a horrible hive mind then just log out and never come back, but obviously you like this place way more than you let on.
  4. Its changed cause slow cars followed the fast ones around like lost puppies drawing attention to everything. That and the kids these days cant do anything in moderation, hence AIDS
  5. Cobra then Z0SEX, I remember those days staring at you from across the lot secretly fapping in my minds eye:fa:
  6. How has it changed from then now? Not in one bit! The show goes start being annoying and blasting their thug crap that eventually get us kicked out and the renards with nothing but a bunch of random letters for a vehicle description swap parts ordering stories from Mopar.......
  7. Nice try on subject change, just because there arent as many people you wont go out now? Why, cause six years ago it was easier for everyone to NOT notice you?
  8. Your post count just shows how little you know of what is going on here
  9. I got a general business degree just to make cheese sticks
  10. See you at HD, o wait. You get skeeered by attendance there. If you really are into cars any un-official and even some official meets will always bring retards but you learn to drown them out and have a good time........ unless you like to punt kick egg salad sandwhiches from gas stations around.
  11. Here comes the " Just kidding broseph, I love you!" post
  12. BWAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA your an idiot you back peddle from my courteous request to split your wig and then act like your hard when someone meets you in person..... all on the internet
  13. I can hear the clicking of the gears on your bicycle as you back pedal
  14. Which were probably people that say they are on CR, but never post..... and you never answered my question.
  15. Or just sell the turbo kit and drive it around, make it reliable again ahaha.
  16. Do the trade and I will installe trans for free
  17. I am not much older than 25 but i still have NO clue what I want to do ahaha but selling cheesesticks is working right now
  18. Just dont rev past 5500 and actually take care of the car and you will be fine.
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