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Everything posted by schmuckingham

  1. again, I will go look at it for you before you do anything
  2. I had Accufabs on my 86 and they fit like a glove, they replaced the Kooks I had that hung down 4 inches too low and would never been driveable.
  3. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v226/Schmuckingham/For%20sale%20stuff/IMG_3139.jpg
  4. MAC, Accufab, & Stainless Works ( loved mine but I am hearing things bad these days.. just FYI). I have had two sets of Kooks and they fit like absolute shit.
  5. I am a ginger and that shit is ugly
  6. Wow Brandon, your thread made it over a page without anyone telling you to hang yourself
  7. Who made it? IWI or Magnum Research? I have the Baby Eagle in .40 that was made by IWI and imported by Magnum Research and it shoots flawless and the mags are as smooth as butta. However I bought some Magnum Research produced ( not made by IWI anymore) and they blow. You can only load 7 rounds into the mag and its a 13 round mag. I would make sure if its an IWI unit or not..... if it isnt stay away.
  8. little of both but its a 92 so I dont think it qualifies for a classic yet
  9. Who can do a car appraisal for me for my insurance company. I want to insure a car for 10k stated value and they require me to have it appraised. Wasnt sure if anyone on here could do it or maybe a vendor.
  10. I dont like rap but Luda makes me giggle
  11. Chick with a dick then, its understandable
  12. So THATS why you cant hit water if you fell out of a canoe at COD
  13. copper head gasket:gabe:
  14. schmuckingham


    *insert short racial joke here* much love Phil, wanna dig a Ford Escort for 5?
  15. I met this guy at a BuckeyeStangs show at QSL, he drove a customers ( customer was with him) GT-40 and talked to Schmelmer and I for awhile
  16. SWAT will be doing door breaches for the Girl Scouts this year I hear
  17. its like a sex night at my house
  18. schmuckingham


    ooh, chicken noodle soup
  19. coming from the guy that ran a busted 10 bolt for like 8 years haha
  20. This I like to sear the outside and then slow cook, just the way I like to do it.
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