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Everything posted by schmuckingham

  1. I TOTALLY understand since it happened to me
  2. Look for rust under the strut towers and right behind the front wheel wells. Also check the torque boxes were the rear upper control arms mount to the car. If you go to look at it I will go with to help you out a bit.
  3. wonder if the car had a pinned crank pulley to make all that smoke.
  4. New daily unit and my first none quartz watch. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v226/Schmuckingham/IMG00033-20110104-1505.jpg
  5. No ours is darker but you can look at the quality and how its held up to our pets over the last few months
  6. Putty we have some in our Kitchen and living room if you wanted to look at it in an actual home.
  7. The one I bought from Best Buy was this one, and I didnt want to remember that giant pile of shits name.
  8. If you go black you caint paint the letters orange, that is reserved for me only
  9. The protector makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside so thats why I want one on my new purchase
  10. Yea thats the one I got and it goes on like complete shit and wants to do nothing except stick to your fingers even with their "spray" running all over my fingers and hands. I ripped that $30 peice of shit off this morning and trashed it.
  11. Double cause this guy is taking me WAY too seriously.
  12. Well you don't have sponsors and no one helps you cause you have no friends..... Or they can't understand you if you talk half as bad as you type. Intirwebz, surius Bizned
  13. I picture this newb strapped to a jungle Jim with a helmet
  14. It's "an idiot" not "a" idiot. Double post due to this new IPad of mine. Glad you can work on stuff in your garage..........I guess
  15. . I am not worth your time but yet you still post in response to me twice, I am flattered at your time you spent thinking of me.
  16. I am not worth your time but yet you still post in response to me twice, I am flattered at your display of love for me. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- maybe u need to read this post by the thread starter. i already knew what about he was wanting to do before he started the thread.' and the ls1 was just a commong topic. i have no problem making power with a stock 1 gen block. but cant wait to get the dart block done so i can finally up the boost.
  17. Looking for a good screen protector for this iPad, bought one from Best Buy and it sucks ass.
  18. schmuckingham


    Posting from my new iPad
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