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Everything posted by schmuckingham

  1. I dont know him, and I didnt appreciate the comment regardless if I knew him well or not. Do you honestly think i didnt bother to ask her?
  2. ever seen the hulk? Imagine him just taller and with blonde hair
  3. so how am I making things weird? A guy talking to her is one thing but a guy making un-appropriate comments is another, and if you honestly are afraid to talk to actually talk to her then you have zero clue of why I got bent out of shape. Ananda talks to guys daily at her job and they are cool as shit, hell one of her best friends is a dude and I dont have issue 1 with him. As we all know Ananda is on this site, and she has said nothing or posted anything saying that my actions bother her. She has also not said anything in person but agreed with me and that she totally sees my point of view, so if anything gets "weird" at a meet or ride is because of everyone else. Keep sexual comments to yourself and all will be well, its really all that simple.
  4. Moses was a leader and parted the red sea, so thanks for the compliment. If you were going the prophecy type jab, Nostrodomus would have been a better choice
  5. schmuckingham


    win money in my pocket FTW
  6. Good deal, we have a house down there so a cookout may be in order
  7. I think your legacy is more the buddy le douche go hang yourself from the ceiling rafters more so than the Z06 incident. Hell Dover isnt known for almost hitting a house with a Z06 but better known for his mythical Cobra
  8. Thanks for the online psychological evaluation, why dont you just stick with posting sheeping fucking stuff so we can all go back to normal. kthxby
  9. come on and deliver it big boy
  10. hahahahahahaha I <3 Todd
  11. that wasnt a compliment but keep telling yourself that
  12. This subject bothers me beyond reason, but I still heart you. I think Mike Tyson is more fitting than Ike
  13. If I read this right are saying I beat my girlfriend now? Weird shit when I am not around that makes her uncomfortable but she wont say anything because she doesnt want to upset the apple cart. She enjoys riding a good people but not when things get weird, this type of thing has happened a few times before and it doesnt sit well with me.
  14. then do your wife a favor and stop saying things about other women on the internet, I doubt she would approve of your comment
  15. are you married or have a girlfriend?
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