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Everything posted by schmuckingham

  1. The fast cars are track cars or the owner dont have money to finish them. Their have been a few turbo 03/04's
  2. Honestly all I know is that its RROD, dont know whats been tried
  3. Bought an extra 360 from Trowa and the guy that usually fixes RROD's for me I cant get ahold of. Aside from Microsoft does anyone know of someone to send them to get repaired? Im not really into circuit board stuff and I ould do the high quality thermal paste but last time I played with a board i wound up breaking it in a million peices.
  4. Its all depends on the rider and the track itself, but from my experience it was much easier to ride the 600 around than my 1000 and I personally was 2 seconds faster. Now was it mystical powers that made me faster, no. It was the 600 was easier to turn in and maintain the turn ( no torque rules) but lacked the umph out of the turn my 1000 had ( enter awesome wheelies). Also because of the lack of torque the 600 carried more speed into the corner and apex but doesnt accel like the 1000. I think your reading comprehension sucks, I said I was faster on a 600 and at Mid O there are only two straights. I was faster on the 600 because mid O has more technical corners and that extra speed made up for the slower 1000 through the twisties but the 100 made up more time on the front and back straight into Thunder Valley.
  5. you sir are retarded, 1000 might weight the same or less than current 600s but they do not have an advantage around corners. I would say youve never ridden a 1000 around any track, but I can say from experience that they dont turn in/hold a line/ or exit anything like a 600. 1000s are much harder to ride on a track, and for arguments sakes I have ridden a 1000 and a 600 around Mid O on the same day.
  6. too small for someone my size
  7. stretched, not stretched, drag or road course I like them all. I would own a stretched bike for street and a 750 for Mid O, in my perfect world
  8. 6 shot holder sold, 4 still available
  9. None at all. Just take out the two trigger assembly bolts and then bolt these in.
  10. not yet, stress is a helluva thing
  11. schmuckingham


    People at Lowes know me by name
  12. too busy making blood vessels burts in my eye
  13. uh its posted in the original post
  14. Brand new never used with extra lenses and tear offs, also has extra foam pad. $30 http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v226/Schmuckingham/For%20sale%20stuff/Picture012.jpg
  15. I have two shell holders for a 12ga 870, one is a 4 shell and another is a 6. The six still has the bolts and washers and is made by Scattergun Technologies ( Tacstar). The 4 shell doesnt have the bolts but they could be found easily. six- $20 4- $15 http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v226/Schmuckingham/For%20sale%20stuff/Picture013.jpg
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