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Everything posted by schmuckingham

  1. rods snapped like a twig
  2. Most 1911 handguns dont get field stripped.
  3. hated my Kimber went with a Springfield EMP
  4. When I last talked to Mike it sounds like he sold the Cobra at the right time
  5. try them on, thats all I have to say
  6. Both Aimpoints and Eotechs are meant to be shot ith both eyes open and co witness. If I went ACOG i would get a Burket mount and have a red dot off to this side of the weapon instead of on top of the ACOG
  7. OMG i just laughed so hard that my whole office came to check on me hahahahahahahahaha.
  8. Thats one good solution but I think it will take more than just that. Great start though
  9. either Aimpoint or Eotech with a 3x will work great. The 3x can utilize a LaRue mount and swing out of the way in CQB situations ( if you plan on them)
  10. schmuckingham

    Thanks Sam!

    left right or middle?
  11. might also help find one for your wife
  12. I mean dont get me wrong, I think street racing is extremely retarded but making street racing ( which has fewer deaths in a year than DUIs) a far more punishable offense than drunk driving... that seems overkill to me. I agree Cbus cops/sheriffs dont have a sense of humor, most of them anyway.
  13. other places, maybe. But since Ohio... especially Columbus.... has had an issue with it it will be abused. I can almost guarentee it, public is crying for blood of a tragedy that had alcohol involved on top of some actions of a young man earlier this year.
  14. Welcome back maing BTW, bike looks good.
  15. Did I say dismiss it because its cheaper? I tried the Galco, doesnt fit as nice nor feel as comfortable so how are they essentially the same? They may look the same but they arent, nor would I suggest going off of anyones reveiws or suggestions. I bought holster after holster and had to turn around and sell them all. Not the smartest way to buy anything but on this particular item thats what I did. Have you looked at the Ohio CCW site for any holster info, maybe try someones out?
  16. Paul I normally agree with you but I think this one has enough retard backing to actually pass. Especially since they are using Ms. Durbans name on it after she was tragically injured from an accident last year..... which coincidentally (sp?) had alcohol involved. Instead of attacking drunk driving, which would hurt Ohio revenue,they went after the fact he had a modified car and nitrous lines IN the car but no bottle.
  17. personal experience would say it is, and everyones personal experience is different. I interjected with the one holster that I find comfortable and logical after trying so many others.
  18. Eotech are true halo's, I persoanlly didnt like mine but love my Aimpoint
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