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Everything posted by schmuckingham

  1. Aimpoint, and if you feel froggy a 3x for it
  2. Say bye bye to your bikes and modded cars folks, if this garbage passes
  3. o lord, here comes a bunch of misinformed know it alls.
  4. I just thought of something, If this law actually works like its written ( which with our government thats not always true) wont every Harley on the planet be seized?
  5. I wouldnt want to buy something I use alot and thats up against my body all day just because the price is low
  6. spinning, its what my Dads 2000 does and its basically stock
  7. Condoms are for sailors, bare back that shit your penis will thank you later
  8. great, ricer takes off from a light and I get my car impounded because the cop sees me instead of him.
  9. I have always liked the slammed Odyseys but that one is a lil extreme for me
  10. not according to my red hair and fire bush I agree
  11. ill kick you right back and take my folder back!
  12. props for that, I always liked shifting into 6th and the Vette just kind of slumps on its face haha
  13. As a Ginger i find this thread offensive
  14. I agree, one of us will get pulled over for something like speeding 1 mile an hour over and all of the sudden we are street racers. Or we will leave a light ahead of traffic but not speeding or operating recklessly and BAM bye bye car and hello fines.
  15. Tyler thats retarded, unless your on a bike ( which doesnt always work) you will never get away, Im sure that a radio and a helicopter are faster than you. Besides endangering innocent people would just make the 99% of anti street racing people even angrier. The spin off from this by the media would be even worse. Basically this will hurt every type of car venue. From the old dude cruising in his hot rod to a show all the way to the ricer kid with a wing a fart can.
  16. I personally think it will happen both ways, some cops will abuse while others wont care. All it will add is more harrassment for people with wheels or an exhaust....... guess only time will tell. Just doesnt make sense that if I get caught speeding in my Milan that I could be street racing.
  17. I hear his stuff on Area38 sometimes off Sirius
  18. again, http://www.highnoonholsters.com/Product_Line/product_line.html Comfy and slim
  19. So basically even if you get a speeding ticket, they can call if street racing if they want to? So that emans anyone driving even a remotlely modded car could be targeted for profiling? Or am I reading it wrong?
  20. 65 on the A9L, deal? I can get all the parts this week Rob.
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