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Everything posted by schmuckingham

  1. I have both and I prefer the 360, controller feels better and the graphics on the PS3 arent so earth shattering compared to the 360. The PS network is free but has its issues and yes the XBL is monthly payment but it offers exclusive videos and updates. I would say just play with both of them and see whta interests you
  2. Aerospace brakes front and rear, UPR rear suspension with coilovers, Glenns sumped tank, A1000, UPR front suspension and K member, UPR torque box reinforcments upper and lower, in-cab subframe connectors..... Yeah ill keep it.
  3. It really depends on how little or how much of a douche someone is
  4. Sell mine for 3500, no driveline( except rear end obviously) or wheels.
  5. You saw the car like that silly

  6. well sorry for no update I call the Murray Kentucky Attorneys office and talked with a cute sounding girl and she gave me the low down on Mr Andy Hutson. Turns out he is the garden varity crook that does a bit of it all including flipping cars like this. Apparently this car changed three hands before me and none of them transferred the title to their names. Andy Hutson forged the name on the title ( Michael Crass was the name on the title) and gave it to me. So with what was posted earlier I explained to the hirl what happened and she knew who screwed me before i gave her a name so she was nice and gave me Michael Crass's address and his work number. Fortunantly she knew him persoanlly and he owns a little tire and lube place and I got into contact with him. Turns out Andy screwed Michael as well and he helped me with getting a duplicate title printed and in the mail yesterday. He wanted it out of his anme and I wanted it in mine so it was win win. This car has been nothing but drama since day one...... might just be rid of it and save for another car.
  7. I HAD things to race and have gone to a few of the events, so suck it Dover
  8. just dont share those pics of me and the loin cloth
  9. I dont have any wheels for it either, using friends right now so I can roll it around.
  10. 5 spd LX, original 4cyl car convereted to V8 ( brakes and K member), rear drum ( their gutted for a roller but the diff and axles are good, housing is ok). in cab sub frame connectors, torque boxes arent reinforced but they are perfect, pillars arent wavy at all. Only thing it needs is a hood painted to match, the two notches fixed in the passenger side sub frame connector, and the shifter hole at some point was cut for an auto. As far as worth I dont know right now
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