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Everything posted by schmuckingham

  1. for me yes, for you no. I had baggage and a crap windscreen keeping me away
  2. I like riding my bike and I am not hard to get to go anywhere man as long as I am not working. Well it may be Ohio's best but its still not that great, Mid O is much more fun ( at least in a car as far as I know)
  3. Well that may be true but there were other factors that I didnt like but to each his own.
  4. I have been down there with you leading, wasnt impressed with road conditions.
  5. Because Coschocton is nothing but gravel and blind corners, retarded if you ask me.
  6. I am reserving a room in hell for you right next to Bob barker and Roseanne.
  7. haha well I meant nothing broken/dislocated/sprained. I may not like someone but I never wish harm on them, glad he was A ok.
  8. That depends on what Comic you read, he was dating Death ( who turns out is a female) for a long time.
  9. People need to learn how to drive in snow.
  10. he still fooked his ankle up in them. I beleive someone exited early at Gratten causing him to dodge them and he had to bail.
  11. I bet you looked totally cool doing it, the bitches were loving the fact you couldnt run away anymore.
  12. dude that sucks, was he/were you ok?
  13. I am glad the Chicken Shit sisters can bond together and make an entire insulting comment.
  14. hey, I have an idea. Why dont you learn to use real letters to spell shit instead of this gay third grade "I'll use numbers for letters" horseshit.
  15. Dude to my knowledge I have never met you, so calling me a douchebag makes you look retarded and quite ignorant. Besides, I am never there due to work and the fact I would rather hang out with my girlfriend than be their, so there was little chance you would see me there.
  16. Garage should be ok on space once I have my bikes and tools out of it. The room I assume you will be renting is one of the nicer ones in the house with a nice sized closet and the walls have fresh paint on them.
  17. Valid points but I would go with the Evo because to me, the STI's look like a cross eyed retard up front.
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