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Everything posted by schmuckingham

  1. If a cat kept you from a friends house, your one cool dude.
  2. John Carpenters " The Thing" with Kurt Russell The creature hated fire I remember that.
  3. So what, I plunder booty in the Captains Quarters
  4. That place sucks, there isnt any ice anyway. LIARS
  5. I have something that hauls wood every day......... My under wear!!1 HIGH FIVE *snap*
  6. Ill trade you a swift kick in the dick
  7. I hate it when snowboarders plow all the snow off the run instead of carve because they think they look cool.
  8. I look at it this way, Plasma over 50 inch and LCD for the smaller stuff. I like high end stuff but my Dad recently bought a high end 50 some inch LCD with Blu Ray and the picture lookes weird and the characters move funny.... gives me a headache.
  9. Thought about it but as far as I can tell the setting up the Trust isnt that hard but I have met a few people that have done this before.
  10. My Lightning had a twin scopp hood that looked ok and was functional, I only kept it for the heat dispersion
  11. "Trust Name" Trust so Mickey Mouse Trust Columbus, Ohio will work
  12. 2 votes for WOW ( what the fuck does it stand for?)
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