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Everything posted by schmuckingham

  1. 1st one wasnt bad ( of course i liekd F.E.A.R. better) so i have high hopes for R2
  2. We will find you one Your def going even if i have to drag you there. If we could get a group discount that would rule but we arent banking on it. We just want a lot of us to go so we can have a good time and go knuckle deep in a controlled environment. Also the camping thing would depend on an individuals schedule or how much they can spend, i personally would like to stay two days but i realize not everyone can afford that.
  3. Have you not seen Shooter.... .50 cal duh
  4. 153 i believe is what stealth 1k made
  5. we have one stipulation for you, you have to ride a pit bike.
  6. Id be game for something, but nothing homosexual
  7. Senior Flounder and myself have been tossing around the idea of having a Mid Ohio track day event with a bunch of people from OR going. We know not everyone cna run the same class but at least we could have a bunch of us around for fun and support. It wouldnt happen until next year so we need to start planning this now and getting everyones schedules cleared for it so no one has any excuses not to go.
  8. Phillips Racing engines in Grove City
  9. they are all gross coke off a hookers ass works for me
  10. i cant work on dirty brit stuff hahahahah
  11. he was looking at you kind of funny at the range yesterday
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