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Everything posted by schmuckingham

  1. Getting all angry about it and explaining how your right makes you looks way smarter than me
  2. frangible ammo is the best idea for plates at any range, very little debris even at close range. With regular FMJ I would keep my distance and a ricochet is possible but unlikely
  3. also works when you do not know you own a blazer
  4. trailblazer ss trailblazer ss trailblazer ss trailblazer ss trailblazer ss trailblazer ss
  5. Sorry it is not, i completely forgot to close this thread.
  6. Basically the same gun Thats the only thing i can say negative about them, but that can be fixed
  7. I had one for a rental in NY last year, liked the car and the AWD was nice in the snow. Inside was fine for my 6'5'' 240 pound frame.
  8. If you want to be technical, yes.
  9. car people talking about cars on a car forum..... omgnowai
  10. 03-04 Cobras had IRS as well as the 98-02 Cobras. Honestly looks more like a SHO redesign, or a Cosworth Escort :gabe:
  11. That is being pulled from the shelves due to kidney damage I believe
  12. if you go with a larger stud you will have to drill out the bolt holes on the wheel correct? Unless the make a larger knurl with the same size stud
  13. Needs more flat black Supra with low hanging exhaust
  14. New server install at work, have to pass this weekend
  15. I know This will also come with the cheapo rubber band it came with.
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