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Everything posted by schmuckingham

  1. never even crossed my mind
  2. Same thing in mine, but we have a brand new funace and it crapped out on me last week. I was gone almost the whole week for business. Must have gone out right after i left and it may as well have been snowing in my house when i got back
  3. Dear lord who is the one on the right behind Jon?????
  4. Im glad someone had a good experience, i got caught in that first bad snow a few days ago in the Lightning with the DR's still on the back. Needless to say my customers werent happy and i just slept in the truck til i could drive
  5. Good luck at that fucking school..... i hated it but Mr Schulz and Higgins kept me from going crazy Def go work at a bar, its fun or you could go work at St. Ritas hospital and work Valet on the weekends, i used to be a supervisor there in school and they do weekends
  6. 1997 Honda Accord http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v226/Schmuckingham/cars/Pics013-1.jpg
  7. Thats what makes it hard over such a long period of time. At least you guys are going about it respectively and not screaming and making a domestic dispute out of it
  8. i dont think i can find a women that is over 6 foot with D's and a bubble butt haha that likes to ride crotch rockets and do shots of crown, hell i cant even find a women that will put up with my blower whine
  9. Its not even safe to drive on the highway anymore minding your own business. i feel sorry for the family
  10. +1/2 some men are extremely complicated....they are called serial killers
  11. is this like the three laws in I,Robot?????????? but seriously, i cant find a women WERE ALL DA WHITE WOMEN AT??? To the original poster, i know what it feels like to have things just swept from beneath you and the only thing i found that helped was time and a lot of it
  12. Well i take no offense but spending 6 years together and living with one another usually means your commited and not playing games, but i guess guys that are 10 years older with 2 illigitament (sp?) kids from two different women/ major coke problem and spending half of their relationship with him in jail is a better deal than me then please god get her away from me
  13. I dont want to hear it, there WAS a certain women in my life that i would have bled for and she wanted nothing to do with me except lead me around and play fucking mind games. From the ages of 3 to about 25 women have no idea whats going on and make THE most f'ed up decisions i have seen, these men you speak of exist but by the time women are ready for us we are so fed up with your crack head decisions we dont care anymore and we think exactly like Scott does. it also goes hand in hand with the fact that, like another thread stated, women love to be treated like shit and then presto chango one day they wake up and decide to look for a nice guy. The problem is we tried treating you nicely before in your younger days and now we hold everyhting against you and flat out hate you for how you treat us. Dont get me wrong men and women can do the same thing to one another but there are men worth a shit and they seem to be ruined by women early in life. end rant
  14. I agree to a point, but even when some men to find women attractive( even though they may not be smoking by todays standards) they want nothing to do with that guy or guys in general women=confusing
  15. i wont but i am sure you can find someone willing
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