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Everything posted by schmuckingham

  1. i am almost tempted to offer up my 95 GT but its in South Carolina
  2. schmuckingham

    Holy 11.2

    i dont think i own enough stuff to use half of those RCA inputs
  3. hahaha i think i laughed so hard i pee pee'd a little
  4. Welcome. Youll like Eli's old 'Stang, its got some quality parts on it.
  5. the tech guy walked in my office halfway through and knew EXACTLY what i was watching and died laughing
  6. Its not so much i dont like the Harley company its the swagger or attitude most of the Harley riders have. I dont know how many times i have waved and a group or single rider and they pay me no attention just becaseu i ride a Jap bike. I mean come on we all enjoy riding so lets make it a friendly community and at least wave at each other. Dont get me wrong plety of Harley guys dont care but it seems around ehre they are few a far between. I have also been told i cant ride with the "Harley" group because i cant ride well enough!? I would like to see some bearded fat old man turn in on some twisties with his Hog compared to me. Dont tell me a cant ride well enough just because your slow and loud
  7. ill give her my stock blower case next time, good god thats wrong
  8. I am 6'6" and riding an old ASS FZR1000 which is ok but the pegs need lowered just a hair
  9. no numbers yet. My pumps are in and i need injectors, MAF, and my LT's installed plus up the boost a bit.
  10. Sweet. any mod plans for the winter????
  11. I have seen the Mach on SVTP before but the TA looks good. Nice runs, maybe sometime i could meet you somewhere Corey and race you off spray.
  12. DOes anyone remember those little no poseable figures that came in a bag that you had to dip into water to get it to dissolve away?????? You never knew which one you would get but i was thinking about those the other day and i mentioned it to a nephew of mine on Turkey day and he looked at me like i was on fire when i said non poseable. Too many damn options these days
  13. I have never eaten there but i feel your pain. A certains McDonalds on 18 near Cleveland always no matter what you order finds a way to screw it up. How hard can that end of food service be?
  14. +1 i have been recently talking to my ex again who would rather wait for her current guy in jail with two prior kids from two different women ( one of which just had an abortion because they took a trip to the keys together even though my ex and the guy were together) and no money or future what so ever over me, who has made it very clear how i feel about her. And I drive an 02 cougar and makes 146k a year. Nice poeple do finish last
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