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Everything posted by schmuckingham

  1. I would start by bleeding all four corners like suggested and go from there, I would also check and make sure you do not have a caliper/wheel cylinder leaking. Also check the vac line that runs from the intake to the booster for holes or leaks.
  2. All I see is white women
  3. My wife watches these workouts and does some of them..... i just fap
  4. Dad owns an X5 and a 650i. The 650 is a total pile of garbage and the X5 was a lemon law but back from California that has had the dash peel up and a rear hatch striker just fall off. Not as solid as one would think.
  5. I would use some when things are building up but actual racing I would shut it off or dull it down quite a bit.
  6. No offense but what does Brian's car have to do with anything?
  7. It's cause you can't find your way out of the sea of vehicles
  8. Then if you OK with no one from CR showing up, why do you bother logging in here to peddle you little meet out in BFE. :dumb:I left you no rep, you would know because I leave my name at the end.
  9. honestly the way technology is these days a 9 second daily driver isnt unheard of.
  10. Honestly Jizzle if you buy something already running you will want to make changes and it will slowly become what you want.
  11. I beleive this is the quote your looking for. Dont make a statement and then back peddle when it doesn't go un- noticed.
  12. timing and fuel are key in any setup. I believe there was a member on here with a Vette that took a 150-200 shit regularly for some years.
  13. they tend to follow the faster cars for some reason, not saying CR has all fast cars or the fastest out there but faster than most.
  14. public forum, ricers tards......... probably not
  15. Honestly either works, with the current economy there are plenty of well built cars going for cheap out there.
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