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Everything posted by schmuckingham

  1. I do not think he had any..... its a whole mess for sure. He could not have anything in his name, she left and nothing could be registered to him sooooo......... you get the idea
  2. I am not here to talk legal with you, I have talked to Ant about some of the stuff that has happened in the past about setting up races here and none of it sounded fun.
  3. I wouldnt recommend POR15 either
  4. Got you covered brotatoe http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v226/Schmuckingham/For%20sale%20stuff/IMG956058.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v226/Schmuckingham/For%20sale%20stuff/IMG953303.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v226/Schmuckingham/For%20sale%20stuff/IMG954977.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v226/Schmuckingham/For%20sale%20stuff/IMG959307.jpg
  5. So if you own something and it taken away from you because of someone elses actions you would not be angry? OR how about if they get charged and or fined for something they had nothing to do with? Do not get me wrong, I like the having fun when I am out and about or going to new places to meet some people but I would not let anyone screw with something I own. I think a few of these folks need to take a class on tact and learn that the actions of a few have ruined it for the many. Basically, be more discreet retards.
  6. I dont have a schmuck file..... its under gape diids
  7. Only you would be able to find that pictar
  8. My 92 still works and so did my 88 AND neither car had a cracked plastic cowl vent...... mind blown I know
  9. Try ginger on ginger action.... no piece of drywall is safe.
  10. When did Lee's Viper lose the title for Fastest Street car, I am SO out of the loop
  11. :fuuuu: Oil change on a friends bike
  12. Welcome I like the car and the squat looks mean
  13. I'll be there hopefully, as long as the notch cooperates.
  14. Yes and no, they will survive awhile if you know what to look far and don't try and spin the snot out of it. Brains car has more weight to it and has never really hooked so I am interested to see how long it holds with traction. Probably would live longer if he hadn't beat the snot out of it all those years with too little injector and a lot of boost.
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