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Everything posted by zerocrash

  1. I'm not sure whether I'm hungry or horny now...
  2. We still planned on coming but after she went to the hospital, they stuck her in a brace and on crutches, which was still no big deal, but they gave her some pain meds and they completely knocked her ass out on the couch. I tried to wake her up around 6, but she was pretty out of it, so I just laid down and took a nap too. It sucks cuz we both really wanted to be there and even made special arrangements for her son to stay at his dads for an extra evening so we could go out. Oh well, shit happens. Sorry we missed it but will NOT miss the next one!
  3. Yeah it was pretty tight. You just don't have a very good feel with a drum brake, and considering she was on wet (painted) pavement, it didn't take much to fully lock. Plus she was wearing new boots that she wasn't completely used to also. She primarly uses her front brake only most of the time. The bike has a steel braided line on it so it actually works pretty well. I think she was just worried about using it exclusively in the rain. As soon as her ankle is better, the first thing I'm gonna do is take her out and have her purposly lock up the rear over and over again so she knows how to handle it next time. (good idea ChrisOH, thanks) Again, thanks for everyone's support. She's already learned from it and knows it's all part of riding and can't wait to get back on her bike, which hopefully will only be a few days. And I'm sure she'll ride in the rain again too. Hell I ride year round (unless there is actuall snow laying on the roads) without any problems. She's already a good rider and with more experience I believe she's gonna be a great rider.
  4. Sorry we missed it tonight.. We still had every intention of coming, even after Sara went to the hospital and they put her in a brace and on crutches, but she was completely knocked out from the painkillers. I was trying to talk to her to keep her awake so we could go, but like I said, she was out! Hope you all had a good time and we will certainly make the next one.
  5. Wish I could say the same... I crashed a Honda 80 scooter a few years ago while doing some supermoto racing against a couple CRF50's and KLX110's in the old Motorsports parking lot. (before it was motorsports and was vacant) Damn those were some good times... (minus eating shit on a scooter of course)
  6. Don't you have something better to do?? damn Ross, you're actually smarter than you think you is!
  7. I don't do much cooking other than stuff that comes out of a bag or box and goes directly into the microwave but Sara can rock in the kitchen! She makes a killer lasagna with sausage or something in it that which is absolutely amazing! Actually everything she makes is amazing and most of it she does from scratch. I wouldn't even know where to start... I'll be sure to show her this thread
  8. HUH?? I've never been drunk with any of you before.. .... No disagreeing with me from the new girl!
  9. Thanks Ross, those are all true medical facts... I just looked them up.
  10. Maybe just a couple(teen)
  11. Great idea Nick, very different from one you would have given a year or 2 ago, which I assume is why you did it that way. Very mature actually and I'm impressed. Not lame at all.. Nick loves his bike and has very strong opinions about what he and the bike can do. If he would have posted a lot of it, it would have turned into a big stupid argument about who can corner faster and big bikes vs. smaller bikes, etc, etc.. I've seen it happen a million times and so has Nick so I think he took the high road and sent him a PM just to avoid such senseless bickering. I could be wrong about his reasoning, but I think he did the right thing here so this thread didn't turn into a dick measuring contest.
  12. Yep, once you get that first crash out of the way, you're all good. And what are these limits you speak of??
  13. So Max, do you have the Hyundai or the KIA?? ;)
  14. So in light of recent events, looks like we'll be in the cage tonight. But that's okay cuz I'm feeling the mood to :drink:!!!!
  15. C'mon Fusion, you're not only buying a bike then... but a lifestyle.
  16. You know that's right! Hell I just crashed my computer last night.. I wish my crash count was really at ZERO.. not even close.. That's what I told her, and then make me a sandwich..
  17. Yep she's now's definitely a member of the club! After further inspection of the area where the incident took place, (I just got back from picking up the bike) I believe she gave it just a little too much rear as she was on the white painted directional line at the intersection, which we all know tend to be extremely slippery in the pouring down rain. The fact that the rear is a drum brake didn't help either, since they're pretty much "on" or "off". I thank you all for the support as well, she was pretty shaken up at first, but she's good now and already wants to get back on the horse. Hell after a few good crashes you barely even notice when they happen anymore. Speaking of which, I haven't been down on the street for a couple years now.. aww hell, that means I'm due soon as well. FML.. And again the nice thing about a dual sport, no bike damage whatsoever, except a scratch on the barkbuster, which of course saved the bars and lever.
  18. Huh?? Which part of that is cool, regardless of who sees you?? And Hyosung =
  19. Hmmm... good question. I haven't either. I just looked at his myspace and he's got a bunch of new pics of him in Chicago...
  20. There's a couple ZX14's on the site, NinjaNick an Con-e-rot Ninja (or something like that) I rode one once, it's a bit big for my liking. I'm 5'10" and 160 lbs, so I think we're gonna have very different experiences on the bigger shit. I have yet to ride one of the new Concours, but it gets pretty good reviews and I'd certainly like to. I've ridden the FJR, ST1300, and all the BMW's and I could definitely see myself on something like that in the future, but only for distance riding. All are a bit cumbersome for me for local stop and go stuff. I actually like the BMW R1200RT the best out of the ones I've ridden, but hell, it's $20k... I SHOULD like it better. I'd take an R1200 GS over any of them anyday though.
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