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Everything posted by zerocrash

  1. So finally after being laid off and unemployed for the last several months, I'm back in the workforce! We just finalized the details today and I am now the new Finance Manager at Cycle Search!!! :) So if you didn't have enough reasons to head to Delaware and see us before... you certainly do now!!
  2. Yes he is and he knows his shit... period. I'll repost this every single day to help one of our own out..
  3. My IQ level has just dropped since opening this thread... which I didn't think was possible.
  4. zerocrash


    ugh.. pussy.. Ohio rules!!
  5. zerocrash

    your vs you're

    hmmmm... how 'bout there, their, and they're....
  6. If I'm gonna buy it, it's most likely gonna be some funny shit.. Anchorman Super Troopers Billy Madison Happy Gilmore etc.. etc... What do you all watch?
  7. Your girl got a new bike?? What is it?
  8. zerocrash


    You know how I know you're gay...
  9. Hahahahahaa you have no idea if you wanna talk "fish" stories... and there's a lot of people here that can verify my statement. No worries though, she's all good and riding like it never happened. Gotta get back on the horse right??
  10. Another free bump... only to tell you that not advertising a price is retarded.. So I'll offer you $1k for it right now.. You wanted an offer right?? Now you got one. And BTW I like Civics and Accords.. I actually own both.
  11. CaRie... 1 'R' ... that is all...;)
  12. I have not been on for awhile due to moving and such but I will try to make it with Sara and my daughter Lexi, who is in town for the last month of the summer. P.S. I apologize in advance for my drunken behavior..
  13. ok really.... lately we've ben welcoming new members more than anything, which I'm all about to promote the site ... but we gotta give them something..... not trying to be an ass white boy, you know me better than that....
  14. Seriously?? Are you doubting me? Come on....
  15. bro, it's comin...I just gotta download it first y'all are all gonna be jealous of MY girl!
  16. cuz I was thinking of your beautiful ass big boy...
  17. I just threw up a little in my mouth...
  18. Hmmmm... you may or may not find out.
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