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Everything posted by zerocrash

  1. The X has lights, electric start, and a battery. Otherwise you gotta worry about a stator and all kinds of crap. You can drop the extra weight from the X to make it an R and it you're life will be much easier (and cheaper)
  2. I wish... If you're gonna do it, buy a CRF450X, the transformation will be much easier.
  3. BMW motors will last forever, but the rest of the bike will nickle and dime you to death...
  4. It's definitely not the same level of comfort, but it's not horrible either..
  5. The F800 is little lacking in power compared to other sport touring bikes. I personally like the VFR 800 much better and with it's V4 motor, it's no slouch. The FZ1 is an awesome bike, I just sold mine. (financial reasons only) It's basically an R1 motor in a more upright chassis. They do have a really nice used one at Ohio Motorcycle (Honda Northwest). I think it's a 2006 and they want way less than the BMW you are considering, I would definitely check it out and RockStarHonda (Austin) could probably let you ride it. Another thing to consider is maintenance. BMW's are much more expensive to maintain, and require it more often. Dont get me wrong, I love some of the BMW's, I'm just not real impressed with that particular model.
  6. Damn you... what are you every girl I ever dated?????:D
  7. For all the newb's, OR bike nights are TOTALLY diff than that gay as QS&L shit (no offense Bret..) and you all need to be there... end of rant..
  8. Are you vaginas gonna show up if it's even "cloudy"??? Rain or shine, I'll roll if I'm not gonna the lone....
  9. I don't like football...
  10. The winners last year rode more in one day than you and I rode combined all year... it is absolutely about riding.. period
  11. Lizard I have to disagree with you in this case. I think you're looking at it from a completely different point of view. (racing) I've had many a 2 bros pipe on various different bikes and have not had the issues you speak of. I know you know your shit, but not everyone is doin the same shit as you.
  12. I still like the "pink bike" and Sinner, your's looks awesome too!
  13. That's cool man. My 03' CRF450 with a full titanium FMF exhaust and stock gearing did 92mph, but that was being paced next to a car, so I doubt it was as accurate as a GPS.
  14. Definitely be careful, it's a road that can bite you real quick. And watch for gravel, especially in the tighter corners.
  15. Welcome! No comment on the caps thing since it's already been ..
  16. Happy B-Day man! Hopefully you get some "special" birthday lovin' tonight.
  17. Gimme about 2 weeks... it will look completely different (hopefully)
  18. That's why we rock the dual sports... I've gone down 3 times in the last couple weeks with no damage other than a scratched graphic or 2..
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