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Everything posted by zerocrash

  1. I sucked this year and only did around 7k between however many bikes i had. Too much of chasing the tang all summer...
  2. me likey that Jeep.. hmmm

  3. I think riding during the winter months is only more dangerous if you don't adjust your riding style accordingly. I ride year round and have for the last several years. I've many more close calls in the summer months than the winter, mostly due to the fact that I ride more aggressively in the summer. Adjusting my riding for the different conditions of the roads and the way my tires are going to react, as well as the fact that cars may not be on the lookout for bikes as much has kept me just as safe in the winter as summer. So basically I think it's up to the rider to be aware of different circumstances and like I previously stated, adjust his/her riding accordingly.
  4. Well said Sara. I couldn't agree more.
  5. Sorry all but I'm not gonna make it. It's been extremely hectic all week with all the family stuff and I just really want to spend time with my daughter while I have her here in town. I'm sure you'll have a blast. Drink one for me!
  6. Yeah it shouldn't be a problem at this point as long as you're not thinking too much sooner. A week or two shouldn't be an issue though.
  7. Really cool man. I can't wait for the trip next year!
  8. I'll be there with Bella and Rockstarhonda. Not sure what we're bringing yet, whatever I can get her ass in the kitchen (where it belongs) to make.. ;)
  9. I kissed a girl Love in this club Into the night Come on over I feel good Ruby Soho If everyone cared
  10. Some "cheapass" started a thread last year about a local shop and it was brought to my attention... And thanks again man!
  11. I agree, at least then we would all know he wouldn't be a threat...
  12. Ugh.. you're right. Man I need to get out more these days..
  13. There's only 2 types of people who wear sunglasses inside: 1) Blind people 2) Douchebags I don't remember ever noticing your seeing eye dog..
  14. I'm much more into the sport touring riding myself these days.
  15. I have to COMPLETELY disagree with this statement Putty. As you know, I've been in the motorcycle business a long time in Columbus. I have taken many bikes on trade over the years that came from Hinds that people were completely buried in, and in many cases I saw their original paperwork from the deal and know why.. Yeah you buy a lot of shit and Josh (who I know also) will sell you shit at $100 over, (which at this point I could do for you also) that's not necessarily the way it happens for everyone else. Oh yeah.. I'll give you 10 bucks to shop at HNW again..
  16. +1. I have a thicker one also that seems to have a layer of plastic in the middle and let's absolutely no air through. Oh yeah, I rode about 40 miles this afternoon. 28 degrees and snowing when I left my house.
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