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Everything posted by zerocrash

  1. zerocrash


    That cracks me up everytime I see it! Why would you take a pic of yourself in the shitter anyway??
  2. haha yeah.. did you expect any less from me?? 2 plates the entire length of my tibia and fibula with lots os screws. Oh I almost forgot about the metal wire in my left knee from breaking my kneecap in 7 places back in '99.
  3. I think it's when it burns when you pee.
  4. Wow that's crazy cuz I've been getting a shitload of those to my work email address!! I never even open them, knowing that I never use that address for shipping anything and I get like 200+ junk emails a day. Thanks for the 411 though.
  5. Yep, shit rolls downhill!! :lol:
  6. Touche' at least you put Austin in the middle...
  7. Darwin will take of him in the end..
  8. "100,000 sperm and you're the one who made it.. " "The lifeguard must have been off duty when you slipped in the genepool"
  9. zerocrash


    More power (cuz the 14 doesn't have enough ), better sound, and an aftermarket will drop some serious weight. Not to mention most aftermarkets are much more aesthetically pleasing. Just my thoughts on the subject.
  10. lol, my leg sets them off from like 5 feet away
  11. Hahaha!! Man I couldn't agree with you more! I never liked any "traditional" sports either and I even played most of them as a kid, until I started racing MX and BMX at 12 and 13. Oh yeah, be careful with this thread.... I hear Fonzie is a STALKER!!!
  12. Hmm.. never tried cold before. I think that may be ok for plastic, but metal? Usually when their cold they tend to just crack or come apart in tiny pieces. The glue residue is really easy to get off, just use some goo gone or similar product. WD40 and Honda spray polish work pretty well also
  13. That's cool man. I understand what you're saying. I try to not be a salesman on the board and usually only am when HNW comes up. I didn't even start posting in this thread until after someone else brought up our shop. The only time I ever sell is when it's a referral, friend, or board member anyway. I only mentioned the sponsorship thing to let people know that we as a shop are (somewhat) connected to Ohio-Riders and typically will make members a better deal. Not saying that we attempt to screw everyone else, but.. you know what I mean.
  14. zerocrash


    Cool. And yes it's still a great deal..
  15. I think he's referring to Federal vs. State taxes
  16. zerocrash


    Definitely What's your first name?
  17. zerocrash


    Yeah Eric's a good dude. That reminds me I need to call him for something tomorrow. Be thankful you got Joan, otherwise you'd still be there cuz Laura will talk your ear off! ;)
  18. Yep. (again NO heat gun) To apply new stickers perfectly, use water with some dish detergent mixed in and wet the area and the back of the sticker. This will allow you to move the sticker around and instead of just having one shot to get it right. Once you get it placed where you want it, squeegee out the excess water from underneath the sticker and then hit it with the hair dryer for a minute. The glue will reactivate as it dries.
  19. zerocrash


    Who was your salesman? I'm sure you did paperwork with Laura (or Joan if she was off)
  20. Really??? I doubt it, look at the pics on her myspace page..
  21. That's the best explanation I could have come up with as well.
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