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Everything posted by zerocrash

  1. Oh man, I hope they don't try that here, I'll have to go go shopping...
  2. There's no reason why you wouldn't get $3k out of it. Yeah retail is only $3500 new, (plus TTL and whatever else) but they are in high demand and semi-short supply. Many dealers are selling them over MSRP anyway.
  3. Yeah I know that now. I remember thinking at the time, as I was laying in the sand with my intestines on the outside of stomach, that it was gonna be a long ride home the next day with four of us packed in an extended cab F150... Like I said, there was no blood and very little pain, so I was just thinking they would shove 'em back in there and stitch me up!
  4. That's awesome! Both the original topic and bringing it back!
  5. More watch = More funny!
  6. Quoted for the fact that The Kid and I actually agree on something!
  7. Still friggin funny as hell the second time fusion!!
  8. September, 2001. High speed crash on my dirt bike in Silverlake, MI sand dunes resulting in the footpeg impaling my side, ripping several inches of my large intestine outside of my body. There was no blood and it really didn't hurt, which at the time meant to me that it wasn't really that serious. This was 10 days after 9/11 so there was no life flights being flown. It took them 45 minutes to get me out of the dunes and then anouther 45 minute ambulance ride to get to a hospital that could deal ith this type of trauma. I woke up in ICU a few days later with all kinds of tubes and wires sticking out of me and not to mention a colostomy bag. At this point I realized it as serious.. The Doctors said that there was no blood because the footpeg completely missed all ateries. Had it been even a few millimeters over in pretty much any direction, I would have bled to death because of the amount of time it took to get me to a hospital. Not sure if that was really the type of response you were looking for, but that is definitely a near death experience!
  9. I love to text and do so quite often, especially to the girl I've just recently started dating. It does not however, take the place of actual conversation. Like fusion stated earlier, it is another form of communication. Her and I already have the ability to communicate through single words or symbols and I love it! She cannot be on her phone during the day at work so many times a day she will just send me a and I completely melt, simply because it shows she was thinking of me! I try to return the favor as much as possible as well. I did not set up our first date via text, and love nothing more than to actually communicate one on one, but sometimes that's not always possible. As far as chivalry being dead? I'd like to think it's not in my case. I open doors, give her my coat if she's cold, let her order first when out, carry anything I can for her, and am just in general concerned for her feelings, thoughts, and emotions. I'm not playing games and I hope it doesn't come back to bite me. If it does, then so be it because I don't know how to be any other way. So Sara, not all guys are like what you described. Apparently you just haven't found the right one yet. Don't give up, he's out there!
  10. I disagree as well. I have no interest in this bike but the add sorta made me want to buy it!
  11. And sweet bike! I love the VFR!
  12. Oh wow that sucks. I live on the west side also and know right where that is. Latelt, it seems like we are hearing these stories daily..
  13. So you're even more of a than I thought! Half the time yet double (triple, quadruple) the posts of us who are on 40+ hours at work, and then more at home. :D
  14. And you do a pretty damn good job considering you're prolly the only one of the top posters who doesn't just sit around all day at work and post.
  15. What you talkin bout Kid?? That's a 2002 Kawasaki ZX6R!
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