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Everything posted by zerocrash

  1. 2 choices. Kawi Kid Ninja Nick Tough call...
  2. Here's a new poll for ya.. http://www.ohio-riders.net/showthread.php?t=15658
  3. At least you admit it!! I gaurantee he would....
  4. He's an ass and I'm tired of it. He brings nothing but negativity to every thread he post in. I'm sorry if this violates any rules or regulations, but seriously....
  5. We all know you're omnipotent (in your mind) but seriously you're a douchebag. I don't know whether you really believe the shit that comes out of your mouth or you're just really unhappy with your own life, therefore trying to rain on everyone else's parade. I don't actually care. Don't go away mad, just go away....
  6. Yeah a friend of mine was involved also in his LS1 RX7. He got away.. for now
  7. And Angrish is way done with that scene....
  8. Not my style, but still respectable like.
  9. Wow that was a rough few hours...
  10. Haha that's too funny (and true) cuz I didn't even catch that!! But what's your excuse?? Definately = Definitely 8/2 is out since it's a Saturday
  11. New that was coming. Check my myspace
  12. Sorry, new girlfriend, been... distracted
  13. Man I wish I could do this ride with ya Fonz, but I just have shit going on for the next several weekends so I couldn't commit to a date. And BTW, that was a funny post you told me about on the phone the other day!
  14. Darwin strikes again
  15. Remember, no matter how responsible he seems... never give your gun to a monkey
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