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Everything posted by zerocrash

  1. I've got a couple HJC's and they're not bad. Not quite the quality of shoei or arai, but not quite the price either. I think they're good for the money
  2. Nobody can ever be that cool
  3. I really have other shit I need to do, but I'm gonna try to make it anyway
  4. Thats fucking great!! Although I'm sure someone here won't think so...
  5. So you're pretty much on all day with small breaks to do other stuff in between..
  6. Fuck, I just got the damn recall. "the ignition switch lead wire may be improperly routed resulting in a loss of electrical power and stalling of the engine." I wouldn't actually care except another member of this board is supposed to pick up his 08 busa from us today...
  7. You'd think they could have found a better place to "practice" landings..
  8. I got an email back from our Suzuki rep and this ^ is (mostly) accurate. The wires need to be inspected, then possibly rerouted. The recall bulletin has not even been sent out yet so as of now it's not really "official"
  9. I just sent an email to our Suzuki rep about this, so we'll have an answer soon.
  10. Absolutely. Maybe whoever was there didn't realize you were a member of the site and were there to meet up with them.
  11. seriously, there can't be anyone left in Dayton who's not on this board!
  12. Too close to home for ya??
  13. Click on the quick links tab, you'll see it towards the bottom.
  14. +1. I watched a dude flip over an R6 on Cleveland ave about 6 years ago doing a stand up wheelie right next to us wearing shorts, a wifebeater, tennis shoes. and no lid. He was probably going around 60 when he lossed it and his upper body and knees looked like raw hamburger when he eventually stopped rolling down the road. He was lucky and somehow managed to not hit his head but he pretty much covered the rest of his body with road rash. Nasty.
  15. and he certainly abused it!
  16. I just looked at the stats for the month and you are in the lead and have like 80 more than kawikid! So apparently YOU have way too much damn time on your hands also!
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