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Everything posted by zerocrash

  1. all good and besides, the other didn't have a poll so yours is totally different
  2. a very similar thread.. http://www.ohio-riders.net/showthread.php?t=10922&highlight=cars
  3. Nope, we do not even have to give a deposit and we pay the day of. And no it doesn't get any cheaper unfortunately. Here's the linky http://www.skydiveohio.com/
  4. I just got off the phone with Greene County. As long as we have at least 6 people, (and pay by cash or check) we'll get a group discount. $165 per person!! Hells yeah!
  5. I'm open to suggestions and I'll do some more research, but I've not heard that about Greene
  6. It's definitely gonna happen. And you KNOW you've been strapped to other men before..
  7. I've heard a lot of good things about Green County so I'm thinking that's gonna be the plan. It will be tandem. So far I've got about 5 commitments and another 10 or so maybe's. (outside of this board) I've always wanted to do it and have actually attempted 2 different times, only to get rained out both times.
  8. I'm putting together a group to jump out of a perfectly good airplane on Sunday, June 29th. More people-more better... Figure at MOST $200 per person. Chances are it will be much less with more people. Any interest??
  9. Dude... you seriously have too much time on your hands! It is pretty cool though.
  10. I was wondering if you worked for BMW since you have BMW Financial Services in your username. So I guess you do.
  11. Yes Jerry is leaving C/A and he did put in his notice last week
  12. Yeah it would certainly be a cool toy. Maybe if I lived closer to some sand dunes
  13. Hell yeah, that would be a blast! Check these out http://drakart.com/
  14. I went to that one also. And yeah, it was was pretty friggin crazy! Especially saturday night. :drink:And I see this is your first post, let me the first to say:welcome:
  15. A buddy of mine drove a Smart Car and said it was a fairly frightening experience. But I suppose with a busa motor, that could change I just gave in myself and traded my gas pig Wrangler for a Civic coupe. 38 mpg highway!
  16. If I didnt have to work I would probably go. After all, i did just trade my Jeep for a Civic. Aw hell, does that mean I'm now a white trash wanna be gangster?
  17. I wish I still had my 06 CBR1000RR. It would be sweet to have 2 CBR's in the garage!
  18. I actually bought it new, then sold it to a buddy, and now I just bought it back a year later. You can never have too many bikes...
  19. I like the graphics. We had one here at the shop awhile back... looked good
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