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Posts posted by jeremygsxr

  1. Copy and paste. Or, drag and drop, straight from image shack.

    Caspers' directions in the sticky are as follows, "

    How to upload and post a picture...

    go to http://imageshack.us/

    click on "Browse..."

    find the pic to upload, click "OK"

    click "Host it!"

    hightlight all of the code in the box labeled, "Hotlink for Websites"

    copy it

    paste it in the post on the forums

    viola! your pic is there."

  2. we will have to meet up and ride in the spring.......

    come on f150s are the best trucks on the road you seen the commercials lol

    I'm pretty sure Toyota has surpassed fORD, then again I think everything has surpassed fORD.:p

    Welcome from the other side of the state.

  3. You know, as much money as these assholes make, it looks like they could stay out of trouble. I'm starting to believe that any person in a professional sport should be held accountable for their actions.

    They should be banned from the sport for life for shit like this. I'm not talking about Ryan Freel getting a DUI, I'm saying Chris Henry and the like.

    There is no reason these fuckheads should be in a situation where they have to thug it out. You make hundreds of thousands of dollars, STOP acting like idiots. Hell, take some of your earnings and pay somebody to shoot up the place and watch it on the news.

    That's all.

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