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Posts posted by jeremygsxr

  1. Well apparentley nobody else does but i actually agree with putty. Granted i have taken rides in December before but i still agree with him.

    His basic line of thinking was correct that it is more dangerous to ride in December than in warmer months. That really can not be argued, cars dont give a shit about bikes in general but in cold months the thought of a motorcycle being on the road doesnt even cross their mind, that makes it more dangerous.

    I have a big cruiser and i can tell the difference in my tires when it is cold out, im not taking turns that fast or really pushing the limit in any way, but i can still feel that the tires do not grip the road as well, that makes it more dangerous.

    Due to freezing and unfreezing during the winter we all know that pot holes seem to pop up all over the place and i dont know about you but pot holes are not my friend when i am on 2 wheels. The number of pot holes from the first freeze of winter to the last thaw easily doubles and maybe triples in number(unless all of NE Ohio just plain sucks at road care and no one else has this problem) to me it seems that having twice or three times as many pot holes makes it more dangerous to ride.

    Im not saying dont go riding in cold months or that if you do then something will happen but i am saying the same as putty, IT IS MORE DANGEROUS :rant:

    You guys should join a different forum from Nov-Mar. That's like saying don't go boating in the winter because the water will freeze and you'll get stuck. Of course you're not going out if the river is froze over, and you're not going to die if you do. Unless you are a passenger on the titanic.

  2. it's my dog's halloween costume :) it's a pterodactyl...

    I dig bulldugs, the noises they make crack me up. That was my second choice of puppy if I couldn't find a good Rottweiler. Maybe should have been my first since this dog farts more than a bar full of Irishmen.:puke:

  3. I say tell her you got a raise, get a b.j. , and call it special. Don't make a big deal about it, so shwe doesn't thin k it's a lot. If she asks just give round-a-bout answers. No details. If she is the normal woman, she will need to know every detail, but just tell her it's best for all of mankind if you don't disclose the information. If she pesists, reply with (in Jack Nickolson voice) YOU CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH".

  4. Craftsman Has the set that comes in a black plastic case with either 3 or 4 red pull out shelves. I have the one with 4 drawers. It has 1/4 3/8 and half. I think it came with metric and standard allens. also 2 spark plug sockets, extensions for all sizes in different lengths. I dont remember how many pieces exactly. I like it cause its all organized and you can easily see when one of your friends makes off with a tool.

    It runs around $200 but usually is on sale a few times a year for 179. Might be on sale now or right after Christmas, that's when I bought mine.

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