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Everything posted by Vulcan_Rider

  1. so who comes to blows first, clay and jax or opie and jax?
  2. How to lose a very close football game and look like idiots at the same time... http://highschool.rivals.com/content.asp?CID=1001233
  3. I am gonna go ahead and blame Casper and Fonzie for this whole thread, no real reason why and no evidence to support my theory but overwhelming evidence against my theory...holy shit I'm a democrat!
  4. congrats to your wife for the job and I am sure you 2 will be just fine.
  5. I'm out of this one unfortunately, since I lost my job I dont have any extra money for the gas to get there so I will not be making it.
  6. Im right in Brunswick, it borders Medina on the north side, so next time you are up here if you 2 want to grab some food or a few drinks just let me know...and dont worry I wont tell Lance.
  7. I live 1 city north of medina and I never knew this? thats it Im offended! I came to Columbus and saw you damn it hit me up next time your up this way if ya want to.
  8. sorry to hear about the job, im in the same boat just lost my job on tuesday.
  9. I used to work for First Federal of Lakewood. So far I have applied at 5/3, Key, Chase, First Merit, Third Federal, PNC, Charter One, and 2 small credit unions that I can not remember the name of right now, hopefully someone will hire me.
  10. Say hello to the latest casualty of the shitty economy. My bank is going more towards part time people instead of full time so they do not have to give any benefits or anything, so after almost 2 years of busting ass and meeting every goal ever set for me, i got the walking papers Tuesday after work. If anyone knows of any financial institutions hiring please let me know. Thanks, Matt
  11. actually jojo's would be pretty good cause i know they do karaoke on saturdays
  12. IIRC Scorekeepers doesnt have much of a lot but cant recall for sure. Slim and chubbys isnt that bad of an idea nice big lot and large inside area but not sure what exactly they would give us as far as specials go
  13. Dont worry people im workin on it and will update as soon as I get things locked down.
  14. Maybe it is just me but i fail to see how posting a poll is encouraging drama. Or is it because he called you and mako out? Or maybe because he lets the converstion go wherever it goes even if its not on topic?
  15. well i ordered the part monday and had an appointment saturday to take it in....but i just lost my job this afternoon so i had to cancel everything and may be selling the bike.

  16. Just north of you in the tucky here.
  17. I actuslly have already made some moves to get this happening i ahve talked to the owner of a place called the Grille in Brunswick and he said he would hook us up with specials plus he has a good lot and a huge out side bar that seats about 75 people just at the bar itself plus a bunch more at tables. The downside is that the inside isnt that big. We can figure out which location serves the purpose better. As far as entertainment goes I know a few different DJ's that would probably be willing to donate their services.
  18. Причина этого вопроса doesn't было еще действительно случайные
  19. posted this in the mindfuck thread to help wit an answer http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fbIerQkXm_k
  20. wow reading this thread was like watching a bi-polar person with ADD snort coke and try to explain nuclear physics. made no sense was all over the place broke into russian for no reason and made me want to stab someone for wasting my time....yet still interesting.
  21. i see 5 or 6 if you count the paddle on the ass
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