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Everything posted by Vulcan_Rider

  1. Well come on out to the after party and meet everyone. check out this thread http://www.ohio-riders.com/showthread.php?t=35919
  2. I just talked to Buddy's this is what we get: $.99 steaks (thats right $1.99 just wasn't cheap enough) $1.75 domestic bottles, $5 48oz pitchers of bud and bud light, and she also told me she will do some shot specials on bombs and some other stuff. She is very excited about this and it will be the same bartender as last year (Rose) and she said this year she will make sure she is staffed properly with at least 2 servers a few cooks and maybe an extra bartender as well. I think she is looking forward to this as much as we are.
  3. score another one for the cruisers
  4. I believe that is instant baller status especially with that quick exit he had
  5. Probably because it did, then once the front of the boat got too high in the air the ship broke into 2 pieces.
  6. My favorite charity is the Fallen Riders Memorial Fund. www.frmf4t.com They help out the families of fallen riders after their loss. I do a couple rides a year for them and do some volunteering for them as well.
  7. You are probably only looking at $20-$25 if you sell it to somebody. If you take it to a game stop or some other business that will buy it from you then you will be lucky to get $10-$15.
  8. so he is parting it out because he needs the money so bad yet he is keeping the frame so he can make a drag bike...yea thats stolen
  9. Hey does anyone plan on doing anything after the show?
  10. 4 or 5 at the most. Who knows it may only be 2. (a couple of our guys stay at the hotel at night to pamper their vag, while we partake in after hours activities) .............so small and medium tees all around? as long as you bring a sewing kit so i can sew 3 mediums together
  11. That would be great to have you guys! Just do me a favor and give me a rough guess at how many will be coming so I can update the bar on the number of people. and the guy puttin this shindig together too damn it!
  12. Buddy's is still open and will be for this plus O'hara's has too many stupid people in there on Saturdays, and the door guy is a 1% member.
  13. I am trying to keep Buddy's updated numbers wise so if you are coming and are not on the list yet post up and let me know you are coming. Russ Sam Sam Matt Matt +1 Koz Justin Pauly Jinu SpeedyTriple Jen Spz9 Art Jagr +1 Moose Kawi Casey Cleaver Kristen "gsxrnurse" & Shitty Keith "Big Chief" Yota Kyle & Scott Ben & Carie MadMadame +1 ScottB
  14. so full of win for reasons most will never know
  15. I am still going to shuttle people, no need for the extra expense I got you hotel people covered.
  16. forgot about that hotel, my bad. It is closer so that works out. Since that is basically right on my way to the IX a can even pick people up on the way then we can go right to the bar after the show. Just let me know what everyone wants to do.
  17. This is stupid, I am checking all the hotels around the area and NOBODY is booked except for the 2 in Brunswick, how the hell is that possible? Apparently my home town is more popular than I thought. Well the next closest hotels (for a decent price) are actually pretty close to the IX center, but closer to 71, and still only about 15 minutes from Buddy's. If we want to change the after party location we can but it really is only about a 5 minute difference as far as the drive goes and I am not sure that we will find a place willing to give us the specials we are getting along with having karaoke. It is everyones call if we want to stay at Buddys or move the location. There are a bunch of hotels in Middleburg Heights right by 71 so just do a google map search and you will see them all and can pick which you want.
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