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Everything posted by Disclaimer

  1. Your daughter can strip for tuition -- you can't. Decision made.
  2. Not me, I want the people of Blacklick to get their money's worth.
  3. I gave him the benefit of the doubt since his header seems to be proper. Shame on me.
  4. I don't see this intro going well for you, son. Should've posted from a NON-mobile device.
  5. Ducati did it first -- at least in the styling dept. That being said... I've always liked the 999s, so the Buell looks good to me.
  6. Filled batteries are OLD tech. I dunno why anyone would use anything other than a AGM, Gel-cell, or other sealed battery nowadays.
  7. When did I ever? It's credible as long as IT also has citations... I've always maintained that position. You must be confusing me w/ someone else. http://www.cleveland.com/open/index.ssf/2011/02/hundreds_descend_on_ohio_state.html This is like the bailouts - if you were against the bailouts, you should be against this bill. The gov't basically wants to take an agreement and get it for a discount, after the fact.
  8. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Collective_bargaining
  9. You're a fireman and you can afford an iPhone? They're paying you too much.
  10. I think you needed a battery tender...
  11. Here's how it's being handled in Wisconsin... http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/41644074/ns/us_news-life/ Wis. union vote on hold after Democrats leave state Senate vote to end collective bargaining for most state workers delayed by opposition
  12. As far as the UAW, they did renegotiate and make concessions. http://www.upi.com/Business_News/2009/05/29/UAW-approves-GM-concessions/UPI-15171243611752/ Now, if you're talking about public sector, I'm not as well read up on that. No they don't -- it can and has been done, via collective bargaining. You aren't supposed to make a contract with someone (or a group of people) and not uphold your end of the bargain. If the state doesn't want to offer those benefits, then they shouldn't be a perk of the job for new hires, but the people that were promised them - that's what they're due. And now....I dunno where you're trying to steer this?
  13. Best cost country sourcing (note: I said "best" cost, not "lowest" cost)... but that all changes with the shifting costs of energy, quality, and logistics. As soon as American people make the same sh*tty wages as they do in those countries -- by spreading all those cost savings measures across all the blue-collar employees instead of just cutting the unproductive ones, it's bound to be cheaper in American since logistics costs will be less (all else equal). But it still goes back to -- the same Mexicans that build the Chevy Avalanche / Tahoe / Suburban, probably won't ever be able to afford one. Yet, we Americans want our big trucks, but we can pay for them because we make a decent living wage. So, do you want the blue-collars Americans among us to have the same quality of life as the blue collar Mexicans? The new hires have all but lost the prevailing UAW protections and wages that the old timers got -- so that HAS in fact changed. Regardless, we're not talking about UAW (I grew up in a UAW family, so I feel I have a little more insight than the general public, but I digress)...SB5 is about teachers and public sector unions. Private companies are bad enough, but once you start having to deal with TAXPAYERS who ALL want something for nothing, union protections may still be relevant. Too bad we don't have some of the people 'in the fray' commenting on this. It's easy to armchair this as a taxpayer and be a proponent for the measure, but what do the people that it actually affects have to say -- I'd venture that many of them are opposed (at least what I've read). Why?
  14. Employees are not charities. The problem is they're treated like them. You continue to help the people that don't help themselves instead of just cutting your losses for the interest of productivity and profit. Fast-track the high performers, and cut the losers. Shouldn't be an issue as long as you aren't a loser, right? That's how Jack Welch did it, and look where GE is. In regards to unions -- It depends on where YOUR interests are. If YOUR interest is to make the car you're buying cheap, then maybe not. But if YOUR interest is making a good wage with benefits to support your family to be able to afford the very products you produce - then you might have a different opinion.
  15. Yea, I realize there is a difference between "actual" and "in theory", how do you even know you're getting better pay? How do you know the guy picking his nose next to you, didn't get a 5% raise compared to your 3.5% raise? What if he got a 3% raise instead? Compared to how much you busted your ass is that extra 0.5% worth it? This issue occurs regardless of a union, but without collective bargaining and a contract in place, it's just that much easier to extort the working class. Do you know how much the guy next to you makes? Why is that? You keep busting your ass reaching for that dangling carrot...that's exactly what they want from their worker base. That might be YOUR solution, but that might not be the best solution when you do a business case analysis. Anytime you cut pay, you're likely to turn a mediocre employee into a lackluster one. Not only that, but the top 10 performers, once they hear about everyone else's pay cut, they have the potential to have a mild form of "survivor guilt" that also reduces morale. Then you'll have other employees that know they would've rather had you just cut the 5 "dead weight" employees to maintain their own benefits. Your solution is too socialist, why spread the pain? Just cut the low performers and be done. And I just explained why pay cuts all around are even worse than having a union and just laying off the dead weight. If the person or the job isn't worth saving, why bother? I'll take the other side. I vote to draw a line in the sand, prioritize, and whatever falls below the line.... gone. You don't take your charity budget and support all charities with a small amount each? No, you donate a larger sum to the couple important ones that support your causes. This is the only way to get the public and politicians to face the music on budgets and priorities.
  16. This needs an Xzibit "Yo Dawg I heard..." poster
  17. Harley wouldn't need it if they came with a proper set of gauges... you'd think for the price you'd pay, you'd get more than a speedo
  18. I dunno, how many? You understand how collective bargaining is supposed to work right? It's like finances in a marriage (well, some), you both sit down, look at the finances together and decide as a team what to spend, what gets saved, etc. It's supposed to be a transparent process. If GM, or Chrysler, or Ford couldn't afford those benefits, they should've never signed up to provide them, but in times of feast, it's a better investment to give your employees healthcare than giving 4 guys at the top $5M bonuses. You wouldn't tell your wife she couldn't have a pair of shoes because you want a Corvette would you? Not only that, but the unions have also sacrificed in times of famine along with the white-collars. The major difference though is, the white-collars steer the ship -- so why should we punish the blue-collar force when the white-collars are in control? Now you're trying to have your cake and eat it to. You don't think collective bargaining is beneficial, and unions are outdated, but yet you'd rather take a paycut than to be fired. If you're one of the high-performers, why would you ever have to worried about being fired? If you're at risk of being fired or laid-off.... guess what? You're either performing a non-essential function in which case, find something with more job security, or weren't one of the 'high performers' compared to your peers... sorry.
  19. Summary instead of the full-text: http://www.legislature.state.oh.us/analysis.cfm?ID=129_SB_5&ACT=As%20Pending%20in%20Senate%20Committee&hf=analyses129/s0005-prop-129.htm I need to do more digging, but abolishing collective bargaining probably isn't going to benefit anyone in the "middle class".
  20. For all the LEOs and public safety workers. Here's what Kasich thinks of you...idiots.
  21. Was that a local one of N Rigdetuckian's finest?
  22. That's awful mature of you. Once you make my "list" you'll have a very hard time getting back into my good graces. Lots of chicken wing debts to be paid.
  23. I dunno where to get a goat, but I know where there's plenty of dogs. Medina
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