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Everything posted by Disclaimer

  1. If you say so, I'm sure I could assemble some other plow drivers (temp and otherwise) that would provide a counterpoint. Regarding your issue w/ Columbus plow drivers, that sounds like an issue you need to take up with the city. If one were an intellectually curious person, they'd find out the answer if it affected them. You're assuming the private sector can do it cheaper. I bet if you ran the business case out and figured out the MLB of the city vs. a private fee to do everything the city does in the same amount of time at the same "quality" (apples to apples) -- I bet the city would be cheaper. If not, I'd give you $100 to start your own plow business. The bolded part - not true. There are vehicles that are termed "commercial" even when they are for private use once they exceed a certain GVWR. City plow trucks fall into this definition, which makes sense because that's how I've been using the term in the context of this entire discussion. Which is why no private entity has tackled it. If they could do it for the same "cost" as the public sector and turn a profit, they would. The gov't provides services for A LOT of things that the private sector doesn't, and in this case, it's cost control. If you paid "market rate" for snow removal, what do you think it'd be? Simple example - as a medium-sized business owner, if a day of lost productivity because my employees can't make it into work costs me $30,000 in revenue then I'd be able to put a price on what snow removal is worth. If the city has 100 medium business, that's $30M, effectively. I don't think the city pays that to remove snow all YEAR, let alone one storm. But feel free to run your own business case -- the $100 offer is up there.
  2. Keep telling yourself that. 1) Private contractors don't have the equipment (already covered). 2) Private contractors would get the job done slower because of #1 -- and time is money. I don't think you're the first person to EVER consider privatizing snow plowing. If it's such a great idea, why isn't anyone doing it? That's because we're not on the same page of understanding the terminology. A Commercial vehicle refers to a "vehicle that exceeds a certain weight or class and therefore is "classified" as commercial even though it may not be commercially used or commercially owned" (read: Not a passenger car or "light truck") http://www.is-it-a-lemon.com/vehicle_history/faq-commercial.htm And this was covered, you would be wrong because no one is going to invest in a piece of equipment and materials that sits idle for the majority of the year.
  3. Whatever point you want to make man -- I'll defer to Casper's plan to "teach those evil union members a lesson". Just like an 8' plow is an 8' plow regardless of whether there's a 425hp CAT or a 40 yr old union member behind it. You advising me on commercial vehicles is like me advising you on how to Sys Admin.
  4. I can load 3 tons of bricks in the back of a Subaru too. Should I? How long will that vehicle last? Just because the truck doesn't explode or quit after it plows a street doesn't mean it's capable. You don't use a paintbrush to sweep a garage floor do you? But what do I know?
  5. Where's KK to weigh in on his "brainless" job? I can't remember if his truck requires a CDL or not.
  6. How many private snow plow drivers own the necessary equipment? You can't plow a street with a 1/2 ton, sorry. They aren't built for commercial duty of that severity. Ok, prove it. I'm having a bout with depression, which is a valid and diagnosable illness - prove to me I'm not sick. And if you really feel that way, then we should eliminate sick days across the board. Use a vacation day -- or no, we should eliminate those too because any day you take off work is "effectively stealing from your employer". Rich, man. Rich. Nevar!
  7. Nope. Suzuki already did it for them. They just plopped a Foreman grille on the side along with a banana seat for the riders that that like bananas Busa Rules.
  8. Ohh yea, so simple. Why don't you just push the "Easy" button?. 1) Still doesn't fix the immediate problem that there is 8" of snow/ice on the ground. If they wanted to get to the doctor they couldn't because the doctor can't even make it into his office. 2) Sick time is sick time, you can't control when you're going to be sick. Tough luck on 'coincidences'. Not every illness requires you do go to the doctor. 3) Strike, same issue as #1 -- how are all the "scabs" going to get to their new jobs? In the meantime, you'll have millions in lost productivity in the private sector because no one can get to their jobs either. Regardless of all that, you're going to let just any joe-blow off the street that wanted to sit behind a plow truck, plow? Yea, that's not a recipe for disaster or anything.
  9. On the plus side, nobody will have anything to do other than sit and debate this out when they can't go anywhere after the plow drivers strike, or all of then happen to call off "sick" tonight when this next storm hits... City to discipline plow drivers who protested union rights
  10. You don't use ALL the roads in the state, but you pay to maintain them ALL. You don't use the prison system, but you pay to maintain and support those facilities and people too.
  11. Governor Kasich proposes $10 hike in vehicle registration fee Awesome. Instead of taking money from the richest 2%, we'll just take it from EVERYONE. I thought Republicans weren't socialists?
  12. Nice "I just backed your vehicle into something, but I'll make it up to you later"-smile.
  13. I prefer the hydraulic setup over the mechanical ones, but that's because I'm lazy when it comes to wanting to maintain the system. http://blogs.howstuffworks.com/2010/04/01/how-two-wheel-drive-motorcycles-work-using-hydraulics-to-drive-the-front-wheel-of-a-motorcycle/
  14. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=30GD25un0XQ
  15. AWD motorcycles are about to get real Via hellforleathermagazine: http://hellforleathermagazine.com/2011/02/awd-motorcycles-are-about-to-get-real/
  16. Cleveland CycleWerks Hooligun: an affordable supermoto - $3600 http://hellforleathermagazine.com/2011/02/cleveland-cyclewerks-hooligun-an-affordable-supermoto-2/
  17. Gruesome footage 'proves' Libya using heavy weapons: Times http://www.google.com/hostednews/afp/article/ALeqM5ioj_n4zvOWuAPv9A2DV1Vsnj1V-w?docId=CNG.4af4e4e47b3036e50e619ac9358a9ec4.d21
  18. Its a Fox News link, so it stands for whatever they want it to stand for as long as its got an anti-gov't / conservative tinge to it -- I think they could've done better. Technically... it stands for both, but you see which one they decided to print -- jussayin' http://www.ksabate8.org/Who_We_Are.php
  19. WTF are they going to do w/ them in Canada? Is there a snowplow attachment for the other 8 months a year?
  20. I'm a fan of all sorts of useless legislation for you poor people. Buncha animals that need to stay in your cages so I can enjoy my guns, and fanciful imported Italian machinery. /*With all due respect and my pinkie raised*
  21. Disclaimer

    That's Hot!

    Now just imagine how the chicks feel banging you... you hypocrite.
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