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Everything posted by Disclaimer

  1. I guess I don't get the point you're trying to make... those are policy reversal decisions, not inflammatory politicking. People can educate themselves, or lobby, or whatever and change their mind on things - change course... but nothing there had any inflammatory messages of advocacy toward an opposition.
  2. What FACT? FACT - that was on her website. FACT - some of the propaganda she uses to deliver her messages have to do with "guns" and "removing opposition from office". I'm not saying she advocated or even intended for violence, I'm just saying that some extremist people could interpret it like that. FACT - this happened at a POLITICAL rally, so it's hard not to connect the dots that it was politically motivated. It's not like the Gifford had keyed the kids car or some personal vendetta, is it? Possible, just not likely. Please... Mama Grizzly is scared of some "talk" by someone opposed to her views? :cry: Right. Once again, why take it down? It's a message she sent back in March, and she can't stand behind it anymore? Same thing with Gifford's opponent's June event to shoot an M16, why remove that? If it's not in poor taste then, why's it in poor taste now? They can't predict the future. Probably because it was in poor taste all along.... hmm.
  3. Moar Fearmongering by Fox... this isn't Big Brother per the CNET article:
  4. Yea, because there's Democrats running around implying the "guns" and "do something about it" message. It's not OK period, but there are consequences when you're politicking and preaching certain messages to people. If there wasn't, why'd Palin take down that pic off her website? She's got no reason to take it down if that's a message she can stand behind. Get a grip.
  5. Wow.. it's hard following Twitter and keeping up, this is the first time I've tried. Shooter is apparently Jared Lee Loughner who was 22, using an extended round magazine in a pistol. Only one prior run in with the law. Gifford is expected to pull through, responding to commands. Giffords Opponent, Jesse Kelly, Held June Event to “Shoot a Fully Automatic M16″ to “Get on Target” and “Remove Gabrielle Giffords”
  6. Word is that Palin took that pic down off her site now... Also, I guess Federal judge John Roll was also killed Sarah Palin Statement On Arizona Shooting Involving Democrat Rep. Gabrielle Giffords Here's a video from back in March from Gifford commenting on threats/harrassment http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/21134540/vp/36033690%2336033690#36033690
  7. Who knows if it's really politically motivated... but Sarah Palin's PAC Puts Gun Sights On Democrats She's Targeting In 2010 Interesting coincidence eh?
  8. Then I'd keep on the path you're going, get the 250, sign up for the MSF, get your gear... you're doing it right. then sell your 250 (or keep it as a nice little commuter/race bike) after a few seasons and get something baller.
  9. Just curious there stumpy... do you have any motorcycle experience? Dirtbikes, anything?
  10. your boss sounds like an alright guy. Search the forum for 'katana' and study up son
  11. From my e-mail from Progressive Get your online-only $4 discount: 1.Visit motorcycleshows.com. 2.Click on Buy Tickets. 3.Enter promo code: PROOH426. 4.Purchase your discounted ticket(s).
  12. Welp -- it's a katana, so you can't ride it in Coshocton. I wouldn't ride it, but that's just me -- bang for your buck would be better spent looking for an SV650. A la: http://cleveland.craigslist.org/mcy/2145962950.html
  13. Yea, but maybe genfly will actually be able to ride with people. :D <3 u Mj.
  14. Ohh, and this too.. This Yacht Defies My Wildest Tackiest Dreams—and It's Awesome
  15. How Not To Load A Motorcycle http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NA8q7UbcFEc&feature=player_embedded
  16. I've been storing all my stuff in the Protect and Serve Thread... http://www.ohio-riders.com/showthread.php?t=39226
  17. It's the one-stoplight, roundabout-having, cow town about 5 miles from the ghetto where I live. No real joke.
  18. Greasing his balls with some spit would probably work better.. Jussayin'
  19. I'd request they send a driver that can actually lift the hose. Looooooove you KK -- you're just easy to pick on.
  20. Yea... I want to know what Obama's take on Mr. Assange is... everyone else has been gabbing about him being a traitor to the state (which doesn't even make sense since he's not American), except for Rand Paul (or was it Ron, I don't remember). I haven't read what Obama personally has to say about Assange himself.
  21. I'd request that you take a picture of you putting pubes on my pizza -- then call the media and start a flamewar.
  22. I see people keep mentioning Roth's and 401ks.... there is such a financial vehicle as a Roth 401k. Here's the deal - Roth is contributed after tax, and when you take the money out when your 59.5 (or under a few select other circumstances), it's not taxed. Tax first, no tax later. This is preferential if you're in a lower tax bracket now and expect to be in a higher one later or if you're more of a saver than a spender. Traditional IRAs/401ks - pre-tax dollars are put in, and taxed as income when you take them out. No tax now, tax later. This is better if you're a spender or think you'll be in a lower tax bracket later in life than you are now. It was also mentioned to max your 401k out... ok, good advice, but if you think you're ever going to want to retire early, you're going to need to think about a "bridge fund" to bridge the gap between when you actually retire and when you can get access to your 401k money (without a huge tax penalty), typically because of the age restrictions. Therefore if you want to retire at 50 -- you'll need to have 10yrs worth of your own money socked away somewhere (Mutual/Bond/Index Fund, Savings account, trust) before you can get access to that "maxed out 401k" you threw all your money at. Food for thought.
  23. World's Fastest Car Stalks World's Fastest Bike - 2010 Bugatti Veyron 16.4 vs. 2010 BMW S 1000 RR Originally found on Jalopnik and then linked to the sauce: http://www.insideline.com/bugatti/veyron-164/2010/2010-bugatti-veyron-16-4-vs-2010-bmw-s-1000-rr.html Spoiler - bike is better. Read the article for another 2 > 4 story. I'll let you drool over these pics first though. :drool: smiley. And that's just about 1/2 the gallery they have posted. And shame on you guys -- this article was done back in September and this is the first time it's been posted here?
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