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Everything posted by Disclaimer

  1. I did it because Pauly drives a used Subaru -- paid for by gov't money 'behind closed doors'
  2. Now I'm lost Whatever message you got from my hundreds of other posts of constant 'wrongness', maybe I just didn't communicate it properly to you. I'll take the onus for that. And by all means, my ego isn't too big as to not own up when I contradict myself. I may've changed my views in light of new information, who knows. I just need to know where the contradiction is and I'll gladly explain my current position.
  3. I don't think I've ever supported a statement like that. I'm an economist at heart, if there's a cheaper, better, faster, more efficient way of accomplishing a goal... I'm all for it, but there are caveats to everything and optimization of PARTS of a system don't necessarily optimize the whole system. It's not that I don't think people should be responsible for their own idiocracy, it's that you have to take into account that the 'system' has a lot of people that don't have the same abilities (physically, emotionally, cognitively) and those variables have to be accounted for as well.
  4. Ignorance is NEVER a valid defense.
  5. Everything you need to know about HiPoint http://www.mouseguns.com/hipoint/faq.htm Emphasis mine.
  6. I actually like the idea of a HiPoint as a first gun. Then, when the OP wants moar (inevitable) he'll get something nicer and be SUPER appreciative -- "Ohh , this is how a real gun is supposed to weigh, shoot, and feel." It's like when you go from that first POS Pinto your parents gave you, and get a new WRX. The POS-ness of the Pinto wasn't evident until you got the WRX.
  7. No. But it would explain why gays would flock to the Blue states.
  8. I got this in my e-mail today. Seems like a cool deal , except I'd like to have the option to change 3 out of the 4 days, instead of just getting one day to change for free. And I know I sound like a whiny vag, but I've said it before: I'd probably sign up for more trackdays at MidOhio if it weren't for the RAIN or shine weather policy and subsequent cancellation/refund policy.
  9. Liberals: $1 Billion Earmark Request Reveals Tea Party 'Hypocrisy' Where'd all the tea partiers go? http://www.theatlanticwire.com/opinions/view/opinion/Liberals-1-Billion-Earmark-Request-Reveals-Tea-Party-Hypocrisy-6023
  10. Just a file photo from the HD archives..? I don't think the author meant anything by it... maybe he did? Maybe it's just symbolic of HD's past dealings with the FedGov? I dunno.
  11. Then I'd do what Bee said... get a cheap Ruger. I just picked up a new LCP for $300 OTD. Unless you're hellbent on a certain caliber -- you could get a cheap .22 as well http://slickguns.com
  12. Sounds like you've made up your mind then. Were you looking for us to talk you into it, or talk you out of it?
  13. No wheels that I recall, this sucker is old. It doesn't look near as sophisticated as even the cheap crossbows I see at the sportsmens stores.
  14. I can probably get pics when I visit for Christmas, but that'll kind of make getting him some bolts for Christmas impossible. Oh well, better to be safe (and right) than sorry. I'll do some more digging into the bow itself and restringing, etc and then report back here.
  15. Are you planning on using it to shoot, or do you like the power rush of pistol whipping people?
  16. You don't like me because you're racist against the white man, being a snarky liberal pansy has NOTHING to do with it.
  17. Sry, beat you to it. http://www.ohio-riders.com/showpost.php?p=589425&postcount=56
  18. You were supposed to be there to spice it up a notch, ese.
  19. :zombie thread: I didn't think it was necessary to start a new one, but I was hoping some outdoorsmen-type guys could give me some advice on crossbows. I've done my research on handguns and shotguns, but I'm lost when it comes to crossbows. I only mention it because my dad has one, we've never shot it, but it's in supposed working condition. When I was picking up my Ruger the other day at the store, he commented that he'd like to get some arrows and try it out. I have no clue what kind of crossbow it is, but what do I need to know about firing it and more importantly, picking up the appropriate ammo (bolts, arrows, quarrels, whatever the real appropriate term is) in order to have an operable crossbow. I saw some longer arrows, some smaller arrows, most of them come without tips, etc. I'm clueless here. Anyone school me on Crossbowin'? Plzkthnxbai
  20. I agree. My point was that it's quite hypocritical to chastise and single out certain companies for doing it when others did the same thing "behind closed doors". That holier-than-thou, do-as-I-say-and-not-as-I-do crap doesn't fly.
  21. Am I the only one that thought of this when I read it? http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0251075/
  22. Hmmm, would you look at that... "Government Motors" wasn't the only one... Everyone that refuses to buy a vehicle from a "socialist automaker" better be driving something other than those listed below Ford, BMW, Toyota Took Secret Government Money
  23. I was gonna be a dick and do a "let me google that for you", but... http://gizmodo.com/5704158/nasa-finds-new-life
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