Ezra Klein - The Bush tax plan vs. the Obama tax plan in one chart ^--- covers taxes. Unless you're making over $200k, then I guess you ARE rich enough to be a Republican. You could also check your past 1040 forms, 2008 vs. 2010. As for the deficit, the CBO data is all there. http://cbo.gov/budget/budget.cfm Note where the lines cross the first time... mid-Clinton, then recross back the other way as Bush spent and spent (the party of "fiscal responsibility"). And, you'll see where Obama inherited Bush's mess at the peak separation between revenues and outlays, and now Obama's projected budget is coming back close to converging again. It still needs improvement, but it's heading in the right direction. But hey, don't let "numbers" and "facts" and "history" get in the way of having an opinion.