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Everything posted by Disclaimer

  1. Plus, I read those old Hurricanes won't get up above 140mph... Are you sure you want to keep them instead of maybe looking at a TLR or something? If you're after chicks, we all know panties don't fly off at less than 140mph.
  2. Well, my bike was a POS (that's what you get for a first bike) and I've got slips for 11.80s @ 122-ish. You got timeslips for the souped up 600s?
  3. :rabble rabble rabble:
  4. If you own Hurricanes, you should probably change your screenname Maybe something like "OldHeavyBikes4U" @Brian - mine was a 1000, and it was a heavy heavy beast.
  5. Where is this... Crow Canyon place? I haven't ridden dirt in almost a decade. Nvm.... 2 hours from here for me. In the cold... I dunnnnno.
  6. Yea, I pussed out... coming down from my buzz now... in time to sleep. Seriously though, 1-23.5oz can, milking it for about an hour = Perfect buzz.
  7. 1 can... perfect buzz. Best $2 I ever spent. 3 cans to go. Do I dare another TONIGHT!?
  8. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7hcZkds7YEs&NR=1&feature=fvwp I'm 70% through Can #1... Four loko on dat ass!
  9. I thought of Pauly tonight in a non foggot way. Aisle 8 in Walmarts reeked of Prop 19 tonight. Seriously, the mom and the kids all smelled like ganja.
  10. Just to properly cross-reference to the derailed topic of the fainting kitties in the Coyote thread: http://www.ohio-riders.com/showthread.php?t=68295
  11. This. And like I said, it's due to the lack of transparency. No. The bold, is wrong -- it's advertising. http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2008/01/080105140107.htm
  12. Gross. And it'll be dirty from dragging on the floor all day too, unless you're planning on walking around with stilts that day KK.
  13. I know my employer raised our premiums 25% (we are self-insured), said it was to account for all the 18-26 year old non-students that are now allowed to stay on their parents insurance. I'm sure that's a HUGE population increase with a super-high risk pool to add those people. But of course, no one has real numbers because there's no transparency in the system, so if they say their costs are going to go up, I've got no choice but to believe them right? Corporations and business wouldn't lie, use excuses, or use this as a chance to make a political argument -- that's unheard of.
  14. I guess my point was, there's nothing stopping you from taking the fine... Other than fear of being a dick, fear of being a greedy bastard, fear of your employees finding other employment from companies that do have those benefits, etc. But, those are decisions you have to make -- treat people how you think they should be treated, or take the most economical way out. Just the way of the world. Obviously, you've made your choice for now.
  15. That fault lies squarely upon your shoulders. I know it works when I'm alone.
  16. Negative ads are effective... that's why. It's been studied time and time again. Basic human psychology.
  17. What should I do? Should I rep this post? Should I just accept my role as an internet troll? What should I do? Nah, "I'm just gonna keep bein' a dick."
  18. Ok, so why don't you take the fine then? There must be SOMETHING stopping you from going that direction, right?? I can only think of about half a dozen reasons off the top of my head.
  19. Ezra Klein - The Bush tax plan vs. the Obama tax plan in one chart ^--- covers taxes. Unless you're making over $200k, then I guess you ARE rich enough to be a Republican. You could also check your past 1040 forms, 2008 vs. 2010. As for the deficit, the CBO data is all there. http://cbo.gov/budget/budget.cfm Note where the lines cross the first time... mid-Clinton, then recross back the other way as Bush spent and spent (the party of "fiscal responsibility"). And, you'll see where Obama inherited Bush's mess at the peak separation between revenues and outlays, and now Obama's projected budget is coming back close to converging again. It still needs improvement, but it's heading in the right direction. But hey, don't let "numbers" and "facts" and "history" get in the way of having an opinion.
  20. What's coyote taste like? I don't have jbot's personal number.
  21. I just hope people remember where we're at today, vs. where we're at two years from now. Particularly with taxes and the deficit. Since The GOP is trying to convince people they can cut taxes and decrease spending without cutting programs.
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