^--- This. The only reasons I'm with them is because of the discount I get and their excellent coverage area. The discount just makes them equal in price to all the rest, so the coverage area is the only 'over-card' they have for me.
Depends on your point of origin. If specifically from Ohio... then sure, it's Northwest of here. But, the "Northwest" as it's colloquially known... is the Oregon/Washington area of the country. Not Minnesota. What about geography again?
Hmm, coming from Fox news... no surprise there. Be scared! Everyone wants your money! I read this article today that's pretty interesting on "Robin Hood"-esque ventures. Americans Overwhelmingly Support Wealth Redistribution to Fairer Levels
You are not right in the noggin. Sweet bikes though... only bike I've EVER tracked (couple KTM demo days @ Mid Oh) -- $12k good....is debatable. To each their own. GLWS.
Yea Casper, this site isn't monitored heavily enough, you need to protect us from ourselves. Letting us post our thoughts and rants is the EXACT same thing as condoning all of them.
Sounds like you guys in those flying machines are a bunch tattletales. If I wanna buzz the tower, you better believe I'm going to BUZZ THE TOWER GODDAMN IT! I wish we could tattle on shitty drivers too...
Meh, you're never gonna get apples-to-apples. People have different discounts (multi-car, homeowner, etc....) and stuff too. I don't know what the privacy implications are for throwing your insurance policy info out there either?