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Everything posted by Disclaimer

  1. He's better than Bush or McCain. "Good" is relative. And I never heard Obama take credit for it... some lackeys in his office are -- Matt Rogers particularly. Does the boss have to take the onus for all his employees slight missteps? I'm not defending that the issue could've been disclosed and communicated more accurately, but how big of a deal do you want to make this? And approval ratings for Obama might be low, but Republicans are lower. Americans distrust the GOP. So why are they voting for it? And you're telling me you couldn't find the Politics section on this page? http://www.ohio-riders.com/forumdisplay.php?f=48
  2. Look -- It's fine to debate politics and who took credit for what, etc. etc. -- but why do you title the threads with the title you chose? You really think it's THAT desperate that they took credit for $600M out of $4.4B? That's 14%. Regardless... I really don't know what you're getting at? What are you exactly upset about, specifically? Because if it's the job creation, Bush can have those 50,000 jobs and he still loses in that department compared to the new administration. If its 'not giving credit where credit is due' -- ok, fine Bush can take credit for the TARP funds that were dispersed under his watch, even if it was only 14%. That still makes the other 86% under the current administration. So, you'll have to explain what exactly is 'desperate' and you're upset about? Edit: Ohh, and fail to you for not putting this in the 'Politics' Section....
  3. They finally posted the Top 10 submissions and stories. Some of them were pretty bad. http://hellforleathermagazine.com/2010/10/scar-off-vote-now/
  4. There's nothing like coming home after a hard days work to have your fish waiting there, so excited you're home and ready to cuddle with you.
  5. Maybe that's a good way to break the ice to see if he's "into that"? I'm not here to judge Gen3 or her freaknasty fetishes.
  6. That looks like a coworkers ex-bike. And Jack Matia is just around the corner... at the least the Chevy dealership is... maybe that was at the Honda one? Was it an '07-08? If it had ABS, it's probably his old bike. He babied it, but got rid of it after another coworker on an older gen viffer wrecked and had to have his foot amputated.
  7. I think it's been mentioned in one way or another, but "set it on fire and wreck it into children"
  8. No said said you had to be the evil one. But, there's always one, evil one.
  9. 10 Funniest Videos Mocking Glenn Beck http://www.alternet.org/media/148527/10_funniest_videos_mocking_glenn_beck?page=entire This made me LMAO... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NR3C0S7yiv8&feature=player_embedded
  10. Unless I misunderstood the article... it's all alleged, I've seen no proof. You've got this whiney-ass Republican crying foul (and I thought the Dems were the crybabies) -- and the whole program, whatever it REALLY was, is halted. Now, this will all go down into a big 'he said, she said' about this junk and no one will ever get the truth because the Republican will have a piece of paper validating his claim, and the Democrat will have another piece of paper showing something else "The Republican has a fake ballot, that's not what we were using" "No, the Democrats are faked, they didn't use what they're showing you NOW" Etc Etc. No one will ever have the truth unless someone fesses up, politics as usual. This is no different than the dirty grey area Republicans play in when they sent out "Census" forms and the Democrats whined about it, except there's a difference in the level of fraud between this case and that one.
  11. Yea... let us know if they come up with anything more than allegations...
  12. Cop Tells German Tourist "Speed And You Will Get Violated" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JLh4HdSkpxs&feature=player_embedded
  13. http://www.physorg.com/news200747288.html Power lifting is out.
  14. I'm waiting for the video of one of these girl kickers getting BLASTED by a member of the opposing team after a poorly executed special teams blocking scheme. She don't look like she'd fair well after a hit. I think my wrists are bigger than her arms. I imagine it'd go something like this....
  15. North American 2011 Kawasaki ZX-10R loses 20 HP, slower than S1000RR http://hellforleathermagazine.com/2010/10/north-american-2011-kawasaki-zx-10r-loses-20-hp-slower-than-s1000rr/ North America, FTL.
  16. When even the headline of the article basically says... "... for a girl" It'll never be impressive. Great post though. For a girl.
  17. I bet he doesn't.ZIIIIING! Srsly though, you might want to contact gamblers anonymous and see if they'll have info they can hook you up with.
  18. An NES and SNES, really!? You'll lose your baller status if you ditch those.
  19. The tiger/dog photo is 'shopped, for sure.
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