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Everything posted by Disclaimer

  1. Disclaimer

    Ohio GOP

    That's all compassion... he even gave the kid a hug. And I don't care what party you belong to... if someone shoves a camera in your face for no reason other than to be an asshole, he showed restraint by not hauling off and punching the kid. You'd want to punch them if they did it to you, trust me.
  2. I lurve me some Zed1ks, but when I could get an R1 for the same price... I'm going crossplane.
  3. The HR lady brought in "Ghost" peppers today. (Naga Jolokia) I am not man enough to try one.
  4. Children are like deer. Don't swerve or brake... just lock out your arms and hope there's not too much damage to the grille of your vehicle. j/k
  5. That was on Jalopnik yesterday. Lotta truth to this statement: Here's an image of the same type of pilot program they used in Philadelphia's "Drive CarePhilly" campaign:(http://www.nytimes.com/2008/07/12/us/12bump.html?_r=1&adxnnl=1&adxnnlx=1284037241-K2PcP2+BE3gl/eoLAMfMQA)
  6. 2011 Harley-Davidson Poster for free From Dealnews.com: Just passing it along for those that want a free poster for giving away your personal details.
  7. And I thought liberals were the ones that wanted a nanny state... you want me to wipe your ass too while I'm holding your hand and walking you through this? God forbid you actually had to read it like I did. Jeez, I posted a link and quoted it... I'm not going to go back through and reformatting something because people are too lazy to read anything but the highlights. The transcript is there. It's not like I omitted any information so things are taken out of context. ZOMFG!! It's bold. If you don't like what's bolded, YOU need to take it upon yourself to read the entire thing in context. Not me. 4th time: I didn't take anything out of context, just posted the first 2 links I came across because it was requested. I did my 2 second Google Search and you're calling me out because I'm too lazy to package it up in a pretty pink bow for you? I'll call you out for being too lazy to read. 5th time - what did I misrepresent? I didn't REPRESENT anything in the first place. I did a Google Search and posted links. I can't help it if you're too intellectually lazy to read them.
  8. 2L Diet Mt Dew Thermostat Furnace Picture of the next person to post's wife, daughter, and/or girlfriend.
  9. South Park Glenn Beck-pisode is on CC right now. Cartman is the new school morning announcer.
  10. Both my experiences in novice (both KTM days) were like that too. Just speak up a little and see if they'll bump you to the faster novice group if they won't bump you to 'I'. I didn't realize it the first time, but my second time I told them I wanted in the fastest novice group and made sure to line up first bike behind the instructor... then he just let me go after a couple laps. I had at least half the session on the track alone before I caught slower traffic and didn't wanna break the rules by passing other novices.
  11. The Germans had their turn with "blind obedience" right? Like GWB says, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eKgPY1adc0A
  12. Are you slow or maybe illiterate? Seriously? I feel bad for you.
  13. I'm not following you there, sportsfan... all I did was post the first few things when I googled "Glenn Beck hates 9/11 victims" That's all I did, what am I misrepresenting? For the THIRD time, I read the transcript, in context, and posted my thoughts -- or my questions, rather. "I'm just asking the questions"
  14. From the same place I found the gif embed. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tt8AQCnMBjU How much would it take for you to take a hit from Kimbo Slice? They gave this guy a set of football pads and $100... payoff at 0:30 mark.
  15. For those too lazy to click the link and watch the video BOOM! Embedded
  16. Ohh, yea... that's great. Thanks for sharing.
  17. I think your first suggestion of the Pagani was the better of the two.
  18. Or.... that's exactly how it was copied from the website that I linked it from. Emphasis weren't my own, especially after I explained that I didn't take it out of context. I READ the transcript.So, let he who is without sin cast the first stone.... balls are back on your chin, I mean, court.
  19. Not all black people. Only the 12 of them I saw on Cops.
  20. I just provided you the quotes you asked for, that's all I did. I didn't take anything out of context. But, it's interesting that Beck structures his argument on labeling a group of people first (victims families of 9/11), but backtracks at the end to "only 10", so he doesn't look like as huge of a douchebag -- like it's OK. You either hate the victims or you don't... if you're gonna say it, own it. If he hates them, fine... say it, give your reasons why, and move on with your opinions. If it's only 10, he should be able to cite examples of those 10... or is it only 10 because those are the only ones he's seen in the media? Would it be 15 if they interviewed 5 more families? Not everyone gets media exposure, so maybe he only hates the ones that are in the media? All that is unclear. What is clear... is Glenn Beck is a tool.
  21. The nurses must love you. I'm surprised they don't get impatient dealing with your firearm antics in the hospital.
  22. But, only by 3 months... http://www.ohio-riders.com/showthread.php?p=515854#post515854
  23. http://mediamatters.org/mmtv/200509090003 Also http://mediamatters.org/blog/201008160004
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