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Everything posted by Disclaimer

  1. Did you see the camera crew in the video? Look at the reflections in the windows and mirrors. That's the talent.
  2. You know damn well September is the best month to get deals on that stuff.
  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8gLkOfzIYcU
  4. It's bad enough I embarrass you on a bike, you didn't need me down there to show you how to shoot too. If I wasn't busy (and broke) today, I may've joined you and your reindeer games.
  5. I don't like that article. It's a lot of "ZOMFG! This is ridiculous!"-type of fearmongering anti-gov't rhetoric. Not that a lot of it isn't true, just that it could've been presented in a more neutral stance. That's not really 'new' news. Elyria hasn't implemented it yet, but it's been mentioned in the paper a few times because City Council was mulling over waste management contracts. IIRC the city gets a kickback from the trash company if they implement this (like the red-light camera deals). I expect a resident revolt if it ever came to that. Though, I'm not opposed to the idea that you pay per ton-type of programs vs. flat rate regardless of what you put to the curb. It's fair that someone should pay more if they create 50lbs more of trash/week over my household. Just like it'd be fair to charge me extra the week I threw out a couch over my normal garbage. Also... programs like these have a lot of unintended consequences that people should probably consider. Plus consider #3 on this list
  6. This was LOLworthy Rush Limbaugh and Koran-Burning Preacher Were Cape Girardeau High School Classmates http://blogs.riverfronttimes.com/dailyrft/2010/09/rush_limbaugh_and_terry_jones_high_school_classmates.php
  7. Are Glenn Beck and Sarah Palin Cashing in on 9/11? "I'm just asking questions" http://www.theatlanticwire.com/opinions/view/opinion/Are-Glenn-Beck-and-Sarah-Palin-Cashing-in-on-911-4961
  8. If you're coming from an 883. It could be a Vespa and you'd probably be thrilled with it Srsly though, those are great rides -- I've always wanted one myself. They look bitchin'. Just can't justify a third. I can't help you with "real world" feedback since I've never actually ridden one.
  9. Disclaimer

    Holy shit!

    Congrats Casper, they can take our rep away, but you'll always have your postcount.
  10. At work, folding and stacking mailers...
  11. I'm not surprised -- that crowd doesn't seem like the type to lallygag around. I bet they wanted to get the hell outta there before it got "dark".
  12. Something seems fishy here. Relatively new poster on riderforum -- be nice if someone else could corroborate that account that these two knuckleheads really did what they're accused of. It'd be a huge dick move for someone to make that up and plaster their faces on the net because of some private grudge that we're all unaware of. Mr. Skeptical is skeptical of EVERYTHING. Just sayin'
  13. ^--- I thought we had a poll on here about that before. I know I've never run. Thought about it for half-a-second, then remembered I'd hurt myself if I fell off my high horse.
  14. I think the difference is, when some do it, they don't run into the back of a pickup truck running from the cops when they get caught. Kid would've been fine if he just would've taken his lumps from the cops, but chose to take his chances instead. Ended up with different lumps.
  15. No... to get her bike washed. Silly goose.
  16. 6 posts in and coldsoda posts an ASCII pedobear. He's gonna fit in here. Is Mj doing it?
  17. I forget what movie this is mashed up from... Cannonball zipping across the plain
  18. No, you must be dense. What have I been saying EVERY post... it was quoted directly as I took it from the links I took it from. Matt (Vulcan) asked to see where he said it, and I found where he said it. I didn't claim what context he said it in, nor did I make any other arguments. The emphasis was just a side effect, it wasn't MY opinion, all it did was highlight where he said it. If I really wanted to make a dishonest argument, I would've JUST copied the bold parts. All I did was merely show that he DID say it (since Matt asked for see it), and included the context which Matt identified may show a little bit more background. I made no other arguments pertaining to that quote in particular, you need to take your tinfoil hat off. Yea, Matt asked to see it, I quoted it in full context, and you get all up in my sh*t because I didn't take the time to 'de-bold' it. That's the play by play that's where we are now. I provided supporting documentation that he very well did say it. That's it. Nothing more, other than including it in the context from whence he said it. Like I said, I didn't do anything dishonest or misleading -- I included everything. It's YOUR fault if all you did was read the bold parts (which I don't claim responsibility for - though it does help as a reading guide to narrow does the exact phrase we were discussing). It's still a TRANSCRIPT no matter how you bold, italicize or underline it. No, I provided supporting documentation that says he did in fact say that, regardless of context. But, I included the context so people got the full story. Unlike typical Fox News clips. Now here's something I can nitpick. You say "It's clear he doesn't hate the victims, just a select few" -- that's counter intuitive. So, obviously he does hate SOME members of the group. If we paint him with the same broad brush he wants to paint people with, one could say Glenn Beck hates <insert group of people he only hates a few of>. For the umpteenth time, if I really wanted to make a dishonest argument I wouldn't have included the entire transcript. I included it in the entirety because I didn't want to take 3 extra minutes to reformat it just so it please you "handsome Matt". Get over it. I apologize if all you see if hurr durr and LOLCatz through all this. It must be a bleak world you live in without intellect and humor allowed to enter it.
  19. You really can't let it go? You really wanna nitpick this? I'm game. Oh wise Glenn-Beckian, what "vetting" of sources is required when it's a TRANSCRIPT!? What does vetting sources have ANYTHING to do with it... it's ALL THE SAME, Are you still butthurt about the bolded text?? I can't help you there -- cry to someone else who'll cater to your whims. I'm not your mommy, or your teacher, or your butler (and I'm not lending out mine to you). Quit being lazy. Furthermore, you'll still have to point out where I made an argument. Find it, go ahead. I won't hold my breath while you look.
  20. You know... you probably could've outrun him. I've traveled that same road many times, I'm very well familiar with that area. Even when the chopper is dispatched, I outrun them too. Seriously though, you should fight it if you have time. It's a learning experience. At the very least, see if they'll (the county/city prosecutor) cop a plea with you. Some have better things to do than deal with speeders clogging their system. YMMV, but the cleaner the record the better chance you have to plea... the goal is to keep this stuff OFF your record. The outlay of $$$ isn't the big deal, it's the points and insurance that bone you for 36 months -- plus your driving record for life (which is better to stay clean if you ever have to call in a REALLY big favor)
  21. Disclaimer

    Ohio GOP

    I dunno... I guess grabbing a guys wrist is assault. I don't go around grabbing people's wrists, nor would I want someone to grab mine, because then I'd have to snap their spine and feel bad for doing it /end internet tough guy What's there to dispute? We can cherry pick events like that all night on both sides, but has yet to prove anything beyond how weird two particular guys are
  22. Disclaimer

    Ohio GOP

    Is sodomy considered assault? I know a lot of Republicans are really big into that.
  23. I just hope someone's God smites them all. Let's get this Judgment Day Apocalypse thing rolling. Hurry up already!
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