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Everything posted by Disclaimer

  1. Reading some other sources on this... I'll throw this into the mix: What if the girl is Eastern European? Maybe that's acceptable over there? Especially with the overpopulation of dogs. Does that make it ok? Or, is it never ok for someone to have different cultural values than you?
  2. I hit a bat (the flying kind) with my visor. I kicked an already dead opossum trying to point it out w/ my foot and not lifting it high enough. It was like I kicked a sledgehammer at 55mph. One close call with a deer. That by far was the most ass-puckering.
  3. To be fair though, I place them in random spots... just to say repost. http://www.ohio-riders.com/showpost.php?p=552256&postcount=799
  4. M&P Only because I have ZERO experience shooting any other semi-auto
  5. Lil' disappointed Monte didn't post it up here too
  6. This is kinda f*(ked up... Don't click this link unless you're jbot: http://www.buzzfeed.com/peggy/crazy-puppy-throwing-girl
  7. Simply: Delegation. He's not an economist, or an accountant, or a military strategist... so you surround yourself with people that have those aptitudes, and have to see through any bullshit they're feeding you, and temper everything from a political perspective. But, stuff doesn't happen overnight... you can't force people to go out and spend money tomorrow to fix the economy. And this deficit thing, there's still no better analogy than bitching about the cost of a tow truck when you (or the last guy who was driving) put the economy in the ditch. It was a necessary measure, which compromises were made... so we didn't get the Class 8 International tow truck like some wanted to instantly yank us out, we only paid for the bare bone 1979 CK1500 with rusty winch cables in hopes that's just enough to slowly but surely put us back on the road.
  8. I guess you'll have to point me where he's not doing as such? He's just answering the critics. If someone with no mechanical ability brought you a wrecked Duc and stood over your shoulder while you did your thing, assessed the damage, found part costs, determined labor, etc... and was criticizing you the entire time... you'd just sit there and continue to work on their bike? No, I have a feeling you'd tell them to STFU and GTFO while you work -- probably in no uncertain professional terms. Obama has about 100M+ of these people and they keep coming back into the workshop...
  9. I'm certainly not giving anyone a pass... but here have been a few extenuating circumstances in the interim. That's not a free pass, but there are some mitigating factors. http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-503544_162-20000576-503544.html Emphasis my own... If you prefer... we can look at it on a % basis. Bush raised the debt about +100%, Obama is approx. +20% right now.Posted just for you Pauly, save you the trouble of posting it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w-Ixtk-_clo
  10. ...and if you take TARP from that last bar... It's on par with what Bush increased the debt by in 2008. Also for those interested, go ahead and plot the YOY debt increase when Clinton was in office compared to Bush... http://www.treasurydirect.gov/govt/reports/pd/histdebt/histdebt_histo4.htm Date Dollar Amount 09/30/1999 5,656,270,901,615.43 09/30/1998 5,526,193,008,897.62 09/30/1997 5,413,146,011,397.34 09/30/1996 5,224,810,939,135.73 09/29/1995 4,973,982,900,709.39 09/30/1994 4,692,749,910,013.32 09/30/1993 4,411,488,883,139.38 09/30/1992 4,064,620,655,521.66 An increase of 1.6T over an entire 8 years. Bush blew that outta the water.
  11. You'll shoot yer eye out! Ohh wait...wrong reference. Nice new toy.
  12. No, see, you fail at reading my post. I'm not using Wiki as a source other than to show where the sources are. Wiki has citations that you can follow through on... Regarding your WSJ Op-Ed..written by 'nuff saidFrom the comments section: ^---- Rove is a lying weasel, and a horrible one at that. I just wish I could shed any semblance of a conscience I have and lie through my teeth for sake of pandering to the conservatives.I see it as a sad thing that I have to verify all the information I'm told, but others see it as opportunity to leech off the laziness and ignorance of the masses.
  13. Boy, isn't it handy how they condensed it down to a nice little graph to get their point across. Also, it's funny how they don't account for Afghanistan as well... and that number is still growing. The TARP was a one-time bump given the huge economic ditch that we dug ourselves into over the past 8 years of fiscal irresponsibility -- passing stuff without any way of how to pay for it. Here's a report with actual numbers... though it's not the CBO report mentioned in the article http://www.fas.org/sgp/crs/natsec/RL33110.pdf yes, there's some numbers close to $709B in that document (Though no where does it list $709B figure anywhere), but doesn't take in account total costs. Good job Faux news! Wiki has some good citation on the long term costs as well that aren't accounted for in that $709B figure used for political purposes. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Financial_cost_of_the_Iraq_War#cite_note-0
  14. Man Already Knows Everything He Needs To Know About Muslims
  15. Victim in fatal car accident Tragically Not Glenn Beck
  16. Wow. That was your wife's cousin? I'm surprised he's still among us after seeing the aftermath. Best of luck on the recovery. POLICE IDENTIFY CRASH VICTIMS CAR SLAMS POLE ON CLEVELAND ST ^--- has a 70 pic photo gallery. If that doesn't make you think twice about getting behind the wheel -- I don't know how much more shocking pics of vehicular damage I can offer you.
  17. I'm sure with a little training, I could switch to puppies for Thorium harvesting.
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