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Everything posted by Disclaimer

  1. What was your point again? You're STILL here...
  2. T squared ain't gonna run itself, hypocrite.
  3. Don't you have people to go fire? I thought you picked up your check, and you're still @ the table.
  4. ^---- that dude Or maybe this is that dude?
  5. It'd take awhile for me to get tired of it. It's actually a welcome break between studying -- seeing how petty and trivial old people can get on the internet. I'm actually surprised you just won't let it die -- I figured you'd be off scheming on how to keep some poor schmuck from getting unemployment after you fire 3 more people tomorrow because someone called you a wiener on the web.
  6. Kinda of like how the mods shouldn't have to put up with your crap either -- and they aren't even getting PAID!
  7. Or, you could've just PM'd Casper and cried to him like a little girl instead of doing it for everyone to see? Your problem solving skills are lacking. There you go again... what's the point you're trying to make? You don't even know do you? If you had to have an argument with everyone that didn't understand the way you think, you'd do nothing but talk all day long. I still call bull... you care. You care because you keep posting trying to defend yourself. Defend yourself against what? What was that point again? That's pretty much the ONLY thing you're consistent on. Pat yourself on the back for that - keyboard warrior.
  8. In kind? In kind would've been a PM, not a public thread. Why even bother if you don't give a shit? If you REALLY didn't care, then why would you waste your time to make sure you communicated properly? And what exactly was misunderstood here? The 1pt infraction you're whining about because some mod made a comment... didn't even call you a name -- you've called me a liberal fuck and told me to go fuck myself in your last post alone and I'm not crying about it, nor am I responding "in kind". It appears I'm half your age and twice as mature. That's exactly what I'd expect a liar to say. Once again, why do you even care? You really think it's worth your time to correct my opinion of you on this website? When you just spent your time arguing that you don't give a shit about what others think...That's a battle worth fighting for you? You either 'don't care" or you do care because you feel the need to tell me to "go fuck myself" for calling you a liar. You're a horrible flip flopper.
  9. I'm the mod that gave the infraction.
  10. Original "Well I'm screwed" thread it was mentioned, which subsequently became the "Well I'm screwed" trimmed thread, and then this one. 3 different threads, though I guess you only caused 2 of them. Do you know what the word judicious means? Lemme help you... ju·di·cious - Having or exhibiting sound judgment; prudent. Your sentence is ironic at the least, senseless at best. There's the thin skin I'm talking about. Is this really a battle you feel needs fighting in the grand scheme of things in a place that only exists on the internet, which you self-profess to be apathetic about anyway? You're upset because a mod made the snide comment: "Psst...Here you go"? Really? That was an injustice of the utmost proportions that you needed to publicly go on about? Sounds like you care a lot more about what others think of you than you let on, ya big softie. Which makes you a liar too.
  11. Any and all of my posts can be moved... don't care. I just think it's pretty self-righteous and hypocritical to have 3 threads going on (condensed to two now) because you feel slighted on the internet when you've professed you could care less to be here or not -- since it's just the internet, afterall. Especially from a 45+ yr old who most would think should be a little more mature and have a little thicker skin than that. Everything's fine when things are going your way you're all about responsibility and whatnot, but as soon as you're dinged, you want to socialize the punishment by giving EVERYONE mod powers. Got it.
  12. I move that all posts in this thread that aren't pertaining to Todd's public post of the initial bitching about an infraction be stricken from the record and be placed into a "Constructive Criticism" thread. This is supposed to be a liberal pity party thread. Stay on topic.
  13. Do "things" mean different "stuff" when you put "quotes" around words in "almost" each sentence you "type"?
  14. Did Todd change his stance? Is he a liberal now? He's sure whining like one...
  15. Bump in case anyone wants to go tonight. I wasn't really planning on it, but it wouldn't take much to twist my arm if someone else goes out there.
  16. :confused: Was it? Methinks there were some additional posts in this thread -- I'm not 100% sure, but can the Mods give a yea or nay to the truth on that?
  17. Disclaimer

    The Dragon

    Drama with guys who have penis compensating Hayabusas? Nooooooo
  18. Who is this Steve Rapp guy and why is he dating my girlfriend?
  19. You'll vouch for this guy? He's not some jerry-rigger that'll throw on a "custom" turbo kit (read: homemade sheetmetal intake with poor stick welds) for that price? Just checking. I'd like to put a turbo kit on mine, but I want it to keep the stock appearance.
  20. That would make sense as Mj is a poor college student. Poverty, More than Race, Linked to HIV
  21. Too many squids show up to UPs rides.
  22. <--- from KK's link. That would make a hilarious avatar for some people on here. Now back to your regularly scheduled political bitching.
  23. See what happens when the free market fails to police itself? Big business crooks get their greedy hands on tax shelters and ruins it for everyone, so now there's some accountability. Now shut up and ride.
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